Okay, so I wanted to make a list of, like, all the zzz’s my character makes in my game. You know, for when they’re sleeping. Sounds simple, right? It kinda blew up in my face.
First, I just started grabbing all the “zzz” sprites I’d made. I had a bunch scattered across different folders – some were in the “Bedroom” folder, some in “Camp Scenes,” total mess. So, step one was just dragging all those files into one place. I made a new folder called, you know, “zzz_collection.” Super original, I know.

Getting Organized (Sort Of)
Then came the fun part (not really). I had to actually look at each one. Turns out, I had, like, five different styles of “zzz.” Some were big and loopy, some were tiny and sharp. Some even had little stars around them for some reason. I guess past-me was feeling creative?
So, I started making a list. Just a plain old text file. I wrote down stuff like:
- zzz_big_*
- zzz_small_*
- zzz_with_*
- zzz_another_one_i_dont_*
- …and so on…
It was… tedious. I realized halfway through I should have named them better in the first place. Like, “zzz_style1_blue,” “zzz_style2_red.” You know, something that actually made sense.
The “Aha!” Moment (That Wasn’t Really “Aha!”)
After I had this giant, messy list, I figured I should probably group them somehow. I started thinking about how they’d actually be used in the game. Like, maybe the “big_loopy” ones are for when the character is really, deeply asleep, and the “small_sharp” ones are for, like, a light nap. I don’t know. I’m still figuring that out.
I added some notes next to each item in my text file, trying to describe where I’d use them. This is what it looked like(Still ugly):
- zzz_big_* – deep sleep, maybe after a boss fight
- zzz_small_* – quick nap in the town square
- zzz_with_* – dreaming of winning the lottery?
So, yeah, that’s where I’m at. It’s not pretty, it’s not organized, but it’s a start. I have a list. A really messy, hand-made list of zzz’s. My takeaway? Name your files properly from the beginning! Save yourself the headache.