Alright, let’s talk about these Zebbie Williams twins, or whatever their name is. I heard folks jabberin’ about ’em, so I figured I’d put in my two cents, you know? Don’t expect no fancy words from me, I just say it like it is.
First off, seems like there’s a bunch of Zebbie Williamses out there. Confusin’ as all get-out! One fella, Zebby Matthews, he’s playin’ baseball for some team, the Twins I think they called ’em. Big shot pitcher, they say. Moved up real fast, from some small-time team to the big leagues. Good for him, I guess. Folks are always lookin’ for somethin’ to cheer for, and baseball’s as good as anything, I reckon.

- He’s real young, too. Barely a man, if you ask me.
- But they say he’s got talent, throws that ball real hard.
- And he moved up quick, like a rocket they said. Fancy that!
Then there’s another Zebbie Williams, or maybe it’s Zebbie Matthews again, hard to keep track. This one got into some trouble, somethin’ about murder. Lord have mercy! Felony murder, they called it. Sounds serious. I don’t know all the details, and frankly, I don’t want to. Too much sadness in this world already without me pokin’ my nose into other folks’ miseries.
Now, these Zebbie Williams fellas, they ain’t twins, far as I can tell. But there are some twins out there, also named Williams, I think. Famous ones, been on TV and such. They was on somethin’ called “The Partridge Family,” a show from way back when. Chasin’ after some girl, Laurie, if I remember right. Good lookin’ boys, they was. But twins, you see? Two of ’em, lookin’ just alike.
And then there’s them Williams sisters, playin’ tennis. Venus and Serena, powerful women, they are. Not Zebbie, no, but still Williams, and still twins, kinda. Sisters, anyway. They changed tennis, folks say. Made it more… I don’t know… more excitin’, maybe? I never watched much tennis myself. Too much runnin’ around for my taste. But those girls, they sure made a name for themselves. Strong as oxen, both of ’em.
So, you see, it’s all a muddle. Lots of Williamses, some Zebbies, some twins, some not. Hard to keep it all straight. But that’s life, ain’t it? A big ol’ mess of names and faces and stories. You just try to make sense of it the best you can, and keep on keepin’ on. That’s what I do, anyways.
This Zebby Matthews fella, the baseball player, he seems like a good kid, workin’ hard, chasin’ his dreams. Hope he stays outta trouble and makes somethin’ of himself. As for the other Zebbie, the one with the murder charge… well, I hope justice is served, whatever that means. And them twins, the actors and the tennis players… they already made their mark, didn’t they? Good for them.
So, there you have it. My thoughts on these Zebbie Williams twins, or whatever they are. Not much, I know, but it’s all I got. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed the chickens. They gettin’ mighty restless out there.

Just remember, life’s complicated. Sometimes you got twins, sometimes you got fellas with the same name doin’ different things. You just gotta sort it out best you can.
Tags: [Zebbie Williams, Zebby Matthews, Twins, Baseball, Minnesota Twins, Murder, The Partridge Family, Venus Williams, Serena Williams, Tennis]