Okay, here is my sharing about prefarming for Yunli:
So, I’ve been diving deep into this game recently, right? And there’s this new character, Yunli, that everyone’s hyped about. I heard she’s a 5-star, fire, physical, and destruction type. Sounds powerful, huh? I got this feeling that she’s going to be a game-changer, especially with her counter-attack style. I mean, who doesn’t love a character that can dish out massive damage when played right?

Now, I’m not much of a forum guy, but I was so curious about Yunli that I found myself lurking in the darkest corners of the internet. I stumbled upon this discord server, full of hardcore Yunli fans. These guys were crunching numbers, comparing relics, and whatnot. From what I gathered, it seems like “wind-soaring valorous” and “Duran, Dynasty of running wolves” are the go-to relics for her. Of course, it’s still early days, and things might change, but that’s what the theorycrafters are saying for now.
I also did some digging on this HoYoLAB thingy. I guess it’s like a big community forum for all these games from the same company. There was a bunch of info on Yunli there, but mostly just general stuff that you can find anywhere.
My Prefarming Plan
- Relics: I’ve decided to start farming for the “wind-soaring valorous” and “Duran, Dynasty of running wolves” sets. I figure, even if they don’t end up being the absolute best, they’ll still be pretty decent, right?
- Talent Materials: I haven’t found much specific info on her talent materials yet, but since she is fire and physical, I can farm some of them first.
- Level-Up Materials: Same goes for her level-up materials. I’m just going to start hoarding the basics that most characters use. I mean, you can never have too many of those, can you?
Honestly, I’m just excited to try out Yunli’s counter-attack mechanics. Her ultimate sounds awesome, giving her “parry” and taunting enemies. And it gets even better, apparently, her next counter gets a huge crit damage boost! I can already imagine the satisfying feeling of timing it perfectly and watching those big numbers pop up.
So yeah, that’s my plan for now. I’m basically just collecting anything and everything that might be useful for Yunli. Even if half of it ends up being useless, it’s still fun to prepare, you know? And who knows, maybe I’ll discover some hidden gem along the way. I will update it if I get new information.