Well, let me tell you, that Xander Schauffele, he’s been making some serious money this year. And you know who’s getting a piece of that pie? His caddie, that’s who! That fella carrying his bag, he ain’t doing too bad himself. I hear he’s raking it in, just like Xander. Good for him, I say. Everyone should make a good living, you know?
Now, I heard that this Xander Schauffele caddie earnings, it’s a big deal. They say these caddies, they get a good chunk of what the golfers win. Like, if Xander wins a big pile of money, his caddie gets some of it. Not all of it, mind you, but enough to make you say, “Well, ain’t that somethin’?”

This year, that Xander, he’s won something like, I don’t know, a whole heap of money. Near $16 million, they say. Can you believe that? $16 million! That’s more money than I’ve seen in my whole life, I tell ya. And his caddie? He got a good share. I heard he probably made over $1 million just this year. $1 million for carrying a bag! My old back would give out before I even made it to the first hole.
- These caddies, they get a percentage.
- Maybe 5%, maybe 10% It’s a lot, whatever it is!
- They say 10% for a win.
I heard at that big PGA Championship, the one Xander won, the prize was huge. Something like $18.5 million, maybe. And Xander, he got over $3 million for winning. That’s a lot of chicken feed! And you know what that means for his caddie, right? It means he got a nice little bonus too. They say around $330,000 just for that one win! Shoot, I’d carry his clubs for that kind of money.
Now, I ain’t no expert on golf. I don’t know a birdie from a bogey. But I know money when I hear it. And this caddie business, it sounds like a pretty good deal if you can get it. You just gotta find yourself a good golfer, someone like that Xander fella, and hope he wins a lot.
They say some other caddie, this one for some guy name of Scottie, made even more. Can you believe it? $5 million! That’s like winning the lottery. Good for him! I always say, if you can make a good living, do it. And carrying a golf bag for millions? Well, that sounds a lot better than slopping hogs, I can tell you that much.
But, that Xander Schauffele caddie, he’s doing alright. He’s got a good gig. And Xander, he seems like a nice young man, winning all that money. They make a good team, those two.
- A good golfer needs a good caddie.
- A good caddie needs a good golfer.
- They help each other out, you see.
I remember back in the day, folks used to carry their own bags. Or maybe they’d get some young’un to do it for a nickel. Times sure have changed. Now these caddies are making more than some doctors. It’s a crazy world, ain’t it?

I heard that one of Tiger’s caddies, he made a lot of money, too. They said he earned like $1,500 to $2,000. That’s a lot! That Tiger, he must be good. I saw him on the TV once, and I do not understand what he’s doing, but he must be doing it good to make that much money.
This Xander Schauffele caddie earnings thing, it’s got people talking. It just goes to show, you never know where the money’s gonna be. One day you’re carrying a bag, the next day you’re a millionaire. Well, maybe not a millionaire, but you get the idea. It’s a good living, that’s for sure. A real good living.
So, yeah, that caddie, he’s doing just fine. And Xander, he’s probably happy to have him. It’s a win-win, as they say. They’re both making money, and that’s all that matters in this world. You gotta get yours while the getting’s good, that’s what I always say. And they’re doing just that, these two.