WWE Releases 2023: The Whole Dang Story, Ya Know?
Alright, so listen up, y’all. This here’s the lowdown on all them WWE fellas and gals gettin’ the boot in 2023. Don’t rightly know why they do it, but they do it every year, like clockwork. Some big names too, not just the nobodies.

Now, I ain’t no expert or nothin’, but I hear tell things changed up in WWE. New bosses, new ways of doin’ things. They call it “adjustment of the system” and “power structure,” but to me, it just sounds like a whole lotta hullabaloo. Anyways, they done hired a bunch of folks back too, so it’s all kinda confusing if ya ask me. Like they can’t make up their minds or somethin’.
So, who got the axe this year? Well, there was Dolph Ziggler, a fella with hair like a wild rooster. Always runnin’ around, jumpin’ and yellin’. He was a good hand, I reckon, but they let him go. Then there was… shoot, I can’t remember all their names. Too many of ’em, like chickens in a coop.
- Dolph Ziggler: Yep, that rooster-haired fella, he’s gone.
- Other folks: Like I said, lots of ’em. Can’t keep track of all them fancy names.
Now, some folks say it’s just business. WWE gotta make money, ya know? And if you ain’t bringin’ in the dough, well, you’re outta luck. Like sellin’ eggs at the market, if nobody wants ’em, they just rot. Same thing with them wrestlers, I guess.
But it ain’t always fair, is it? Some of them fellas and gals, they work their tails off. Trainin’ all day, travelin’ all night. And then, bam! They get that phone call, and it’s all over. Just like that. Kinda makes ya feel bad for ’em, ya know?
This here thing, this “roster shake-up,” or whatever they call it, it ain’t nothin’ new. They done it last year too, and the year before that. Remember Sasha Banks? Pretty little thing, but tough as nails. They let her go in 2022. And she wasn’t the only one neither. It’s like a never-ending cycle, folks comin’ and goin’ like the seasons.
So why all the changes, ya ask? Well, like I said, I ain’t no expert. But I hear tell they want fresh faces, new blood. Younger folks who can jump around and do all them fancy moves. And maybe they just want to save a few bucks too. Payin’ them big stars ain’t cheap, ya know? It costs a pretty penny to keep them fellas in shiny boots and fancy tights.

What’s it mean for the fans? Well, some folks are happy, some are sad. If your favorite wrestler got the boot, you’re probably gonna be upset. But if you like seein’ new faces, then maybe you’re excited. Me? I just watch the show, root for the good guys, boo the bad guys. Don’t really matter to me who’s wearin’ the tights, long as they put on a good show.
There’s even this here thing called “r/WWE,” some kinda online talkin’ place where folks yap about wrestlin’ all day long. They got opinions on everything, let me tell ya. Who should stay, who should go, who should win the belt. It’s like a bunch of hens cluckin’ in the henhouse, all at once.
This whole WWE thing is a big ol’ business, ya know? And business is business, gotta do what ya gotta do. But sometimes, I think they forget about the people. Them wrestlers, they got families, bills to pay, just like the rest of us. And gettin’ let go ain’t easy, no matter how tough you are.
So, there ya have it. The WWE releases of 2023. Some folks gone, some folks stayin’. It’s a crazy world, this wrestlin’ business. But it sure is entertainin’, gotta give ’em that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed my chickens. They ain’t gettin’ released anytime soon, that’s for sure.
And remember this, this year’s releases were just one part of a bigger story. With new bosses comin’ in, things are bound to change. Just gotta wait and see what happens next, like watchin’ corn grow in the field. You can’t rush it, just gotta be patient. This whole “adjustment of the system” thing is still playin’ out. So, keep your eyes peeled and your ears open, folks. There’s bound to be more surprises down the road.
And one more thing before I go. These wrestling folks, they’re tough. They’ll land on their feet, one way or another. Just like a good ol’ tomcat, they always seem to bounce back. So, don’t you worry about them too much. They’ll be alright. It ain’t the end of the world, just a new chapter in their story. And who knows, maybe some of them will even show up in other wrestling shows, ya know? There’s more than one place to wrestle, just like there’s more than one way to skin a cat, as they say.