Today I finally got some free time and started exploring this Chenyu Vale in Genshin. To be honest, I got stuck at the beginning, but I pushed through and figured it out. Here’s my sharing.
First, I went to this place called Chenyu Vale, I think it’s a new area. The scenery is pretty nice. There’s a quest there, something about “Chenyu’s Blessings of Sunken Jade”. Seems like I need to find some spirit orbs.

So, I began to look around. The game says I need to use my “adeptal energy” to activate something called a “spirit pearl”. I was like, “What the heck is that?” But I just used this special power I have. You just press a button, and it does this cool animation.
Here’s how I did it:
- Activate the Spirit Pearl: I used my adeptal energy to activate these pearl things. I think you need to do it three times. It’s not hard, just find them and use your power.
- Collect the Spirit Orbs: After activating the pearl, a spirit orb shows up. I just followed the instructions and collected them. Seemed pretty straightforward.
- Find Three of Them: The game tells you that you need to find three spirit orbs. So I just kept exploring and looking for these pearl things to activate.
Keep Searching and Get Rewards
I kept doing this until I found all three spirit orbs. It took some time because the area is kind of big, and I had to look around carefully. I felt like a treasure hunter or something. The scenery is pretty, so it wasn’t too bad. Plus, you get some rewards for doing it, so that’s cool. Also, I heard these orbs are important for the story, so it’s good to collect them.
After I collected all three, I went back to this place called the “Pavilion”. I guess that’s where the quest ends. I followed the quest marker, and sure enough, something happened. I won’t spoil it, but it’s pretty cool.
So yeah, that’s how I collected the spirit orbs in Chenyu Vale. It was a bit confusing at first, but once I figured out what to do, it was pretty easy. Just remember to use your adeptal energy on the spirit pearls, and you’ll be good. I’m sure they will give some tips if you stick around long enough. Good luck, travelers!