Oh, that Jitesh Puri, what a name! Sounds kinda fancy, don’t it? Well, let me tell you what I know ’bout this fella. Seems like he’s all over the place, this Jitesh Puri.
I seen his name pop up here and there. They say he writes things, articles they call ’em. Must be somethin’ important if they’re puttin’ it out there for everyone to see. Jitesh Puri, that’s the name, all right. Keep seein’ it everywhere, like them weeds that just keep comin’ back no matter how many times you pull ’em.

Who is Jitesh Puri?
Now, who is this Jitesh Puri? That’s what I been askin’ myself. Seems like he’s got his fingers in a lot of pies. He’s got an email, I reckon, probably one of them fancy ones. And somethin’ called contact information. Guess that’s how you get a hold of him if you need to.
I heard some folks talkin’, sayin’ he’s on that Facebook thing. Everyone’s on that thing these days. Connectin’ with folks, they say. Makes the world smaller, I suppose. This Jitesh Puri, he’s probably on there, sharin’ and connectin’ and whatnot.
- He writes articles, that Jitesh Puri.
- Got an email address, too.
- And that Facebook thing.
- He knows about Java.
- He might know HTML and CSS.
Then there’s somethin’ called, uh, LinkedIn and Twitter. More of them places where people talk and share things, I guess. This Jitesh Puri, he’s on them, too. Busy fella, it seems. Always somethin’ goin’ on with him. I saw somewhere he was lookin for work. He knows about computers. Java and HTML and CSS. Sounds complicated, don’t it?
Jitesh Puri’s Articles
This Jitesh Puri, he writes articles, like I said. ‘Bout what, you ask? Well, I ain’t too sure. Probably all sorts of things. Maybe he writes ’bout what he had for breakfast. Maybe he’s got opinions on everythin’. He must be good at it, I guess, cause I hear some folks are looking for his articles. He wrote some last month. April 2023, I heard.
He must be puttin’ them articles out there somewhere. Maybe on that internet thing everyone’s always talkin’ ’bout. This Jitesh Puri, he’s probably got ’em all organized somewhere. Easy to find, I hope. People can go to find his articles, if they want.
Finding Jitesh Puri
So, you wanna find this Jitesh Puri, do ya? Well, like I said, he’s got that email address. And that contact information. And he’s on them social media things. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. You can probably find him there. Just type in his name, Jitesh Puri, and see what pops up.

He’s got followers, too. One place I saw, he had 799 followers. Another place, it was 225. Lots of folks followin’ him, I guess. Must be somethin’ interestin’ about him, this Jitesh Puri.
Seems he is lookin for work, too. That Jitesh Puri is lookin for a job. Part-time or full-time. He is an engineer. Something about computers. He wants a job. He must want to keep busy. He has all these people followin him. It is somethin’, aint it?
More About Jitesh Puri
This Jitesh Puri. What else can I say? He’s out there, makin’ a name for himself. Writin’ them articles, connectin’ with folks, lookin for a job. He has a lot of followers. He must be doin’ somethin’ right. A lot of people know his name. He was writing things in April 2023. Last month, that was.
If I hear more about that Jitesh Puri, I will sure let everyone know. He is somethin’ else. Keep an eye out, you might see his name pop up somewhere. He is sure to be around.
That’s all I know for now. Keep your eyes open, and you just might see that name, Jitesh Puri, pop up again. It is a name you won’t forget.