That Caitlin McClellan, she’s a busy one, I tell ya. Born back in 1988, December 27th, if you can believe it. Capricorn, that’s what they say. She married that baseball fella, Rich, that’s a name I hear a lot. Rich Hill, that’s it. He’s a pitcher, throws that ball real fast. He played for Chicago, used to see him on the TV all the time. Caitlin McClellan, that’s the one we’re talkin’ about.
She’s 37 years old now. Rich, he’s a couple years older, 39 I reckon. Time sure does fly, don’t it? They seem like a nice couple. Always in the papers, those two. That Caitlin McClellan, she must be used to all that attention by now. She is Rich Hill’s wife after all. He is a big shot baseball player.

What’s that Caitlin up to?
Well, from what I hear, she keeps herself busy. She ain’t just sittin’ around. That Caitlin McClellan, she’s got things to do. I heard somethin’ about a “Field of Genes” thing. Sounds fancy, don’t it? I don’t know what it is but it is something she is involved in. $575, that’s a lot of money. They must be doing alright for themselves, that Rich and Caitlin McClellan. Good for them, I say. Good for them.
- She’s married to Rich Hill, that baseball player.
- Born December 27, 1988. A Capricorn.
- She’s 37 years old, Rich is 39.
- They started that “Field of Genes” thing.
- They like to give back, help folks out.
This Caitlin McClellan, she seems like a good egg. Hard worker, that’s what I like to see. Not afraid to get her hands dirty. And she’s married to that Rich, so she must be doin’ somethin’ right. That Rich Hill seems like a good man, a hard worker just like Caitlin. He is good at throwing that ball.
I see her name in the paper the other day, Caitlin McClellan. They write all sorts of things about her. Her age, who she’s married to, where they live. All that stuff. Seems like folks are real interested in her life. Rich is a public figure. And so is she.
Caitlin McClellan and Rich Hill
That Rich, he’s been playin’ baseball for a long time. He’s good at it, too. Makes a good livin’ throwin’ that ball. And Caitlin McClellan, she’s right there by his side. That’s what a good wife does. Stands by her man. Through thick and thin, as they say.
They got that “Field of Genes” thing, sounds important. Must be somethin’ to do with helpin’ people. That’s what I heard, anyways. They’re good people, that Rich and Caitlin McClellan. Always tryin’ to do good. That’s what matters, ain’t it? Doing good and being a good person.
I don’t know much about all that educational stuff. But Caitlin McClellan, she seems smart. You gotta be smart to keep up with that Rich. He’s always on the move, playin’ baseball all over the place. She’s probably got a good head on her shoulders. That’s for sure.

Caitlin McClellan and that Rich, they make a good team. Just like two peas in a pod. He throws the ball and she is always there. I bet they got a nice house, too. Probably got a big ol’ yard for the kids to play in. I wonder how many kids they got. Maybe I’ll look it up sometime. It’s always nice to see a happy family. It really is.
Well, I reckon that’s all I know about that Caitlin McClellan. She’s a good one, that’s for sure. Married to that Rich, doing good things. What more can you ask for? She’s livin’ the good life. Living it with Rich, that baseball player. He sure is lucky to have her, a good woman. And she sure is lucky to have him, a good man. They are good together. That is nice to see in this world.