Well, now, if you’re wonderin’ about Tiger Woods and who’s with him these days, I reckon there’s not much to tell. Last time I heard, that old fella ain’t got no one hangin’ on his arm, not like he used to. Used to, he had Erica Herman, y’know? She’d show up at them golf events and sit right there, all proud and smiley. But I reckon them two broke up in 2022, and that was quite the big ol’ mess. They sure made a lotta headlines with that one, and people talked about it for a good long while.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ much about their business, but I heard through the grapevine that Tiger ain’t with nobody now. A friend of his told the New York Post that there’s “no one to speak of,” and that’s how it is as of April 2024. So, looks like Tiger Woods is flyin’ solo these days, if you ask me.

As for Erica, well, that gal, she ain’t sittin’ idle, no sir. She used to work over at Tiger’s restaurant, The Woods Jupiter, where she was the general manager. Now, I don’t know too much about restaurant management, but I reckon it’s a busy job, what with all them customers and orders and whatnot. She’d been in that line of work for a while, before all the drama unfolded.
Now, before Erica, there was another lady—Elin Nordegren. You remember her? Tiger and her got all serious back in 2003 when they was over at a golf thing in South Africa. That’s when Tiger asked her to marry him. And wouldn’t you know, they got hitched in 2004, and folks were talkin’ about it for a while. But, like all good things, that one didn’t last forever neither, and they split up not too long after. Ain’t that just the way things go sometimes?
But Tiger, well, he ain’t lettin’ none of this mess slow him down. He’s still out there playin’ golf, breakin’ records, and makin’ money. He’s still one of the best to ever swing a club. Now, I don’t know what his love life looks like now, but I reckon it don’t bother him none. He’s too busy chasin’ them golf balls and winnin’ tournaments to be worryin’ about who’s beside him at the moment.
But here’s the thing: folks sure do like to know about celebrities and their love lives. They wanna know who’s with who, and who’s breakin’ up with who. Seems like no matter how good you are at your job, the public’s always gonna be interested in your personal business. But that’s the price you pay for being a big name, I suppose.
As for Tiger Woods, well, he’s been through a lot—good times, bad times, and plenty of drama in between. But one thing’s for sure: that man sure can play golf. And even if he ain’t got a girlfriend right now, he’s still got his game. And that’s somethin’ a lotta people would trade a whole lotta things for.
Now, if you’re lookin’ for more gossip on Tiger and his love life, well, you might have to wait a spell. Folks say he ain’t in no rush to get back into a relationship, and I reckon that’s his business. But one thing’s clear—whether he’s got a gal or not, Tiger Woods is still makin’ his mark on the world. And that’s somethin’ worth talkin’ about.

So, to wrap it all up:
- Tiger Woods ain’t dating anyone as of 2024, at least from what we can tell.
- His last relationship with Erica Herman ended in 2022, and they parted ways after a lotta public attention.
- Before that, Tiger was married to Elin Nordegren, but they split up a few years ago.
- Even without a partner, Tiger Woods is still one of the greatest golfers ever, and he ain’t slowing down anytime soon.
Tags:[Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods girlfriend, Erica Herman, golf, celebrity relationships, Tiger Woods breakup, Elin Nordegren, golf legends]