Alright, so you wanna know how much them bare knuckle fellas make, huh? It ain’t no easy answer, mind you. It’s like askin’ how much a farmer makes – depends on the farm, depends on the year, ya know?
First off, it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. Them small-time fighters, the ones just startin’ out, they don’t make much. I heard tell some of ’em get as little as two thousand dollars a fight. Two thousand dollars! That ain’t much more than what I make sellin’ my chickens at the market. Some get a bit more, maybe up to nine thousand, but that ain’t gonna make ya rich, that’s for sure.

- Low-tier fighters: $2,000 – $9,000 a fight
- Sometimes they can get up to $20,000, but that’s like findin’ a twenty dollar bill on the road – lucky.
Now, them mid-tier fellas, they do a bit better. They been around the block a few times, know how to throw a punch and take one too. They might make a few tens of thousands, maybe even thirty thousand dollars for a fight. That’s good money, but ya gotta remember, they ain’t fightin’ every week. They gotta train, gotta heal up, gotta wait for the next fight. And they gotta pay their trainers and managers and such. So it ain’t all goin’ in their pockets.
Then you got the big shots, the fellas on TV. The Mike Perrys of the world. Them fellas, they makin’ the big bucks. I heard tell Mike Perry made millions! Millions! Can ya believe that? Fightin’ with bare knuckles for millions of dollars. Crazy, if ya ask me. But them fellas, they’re the best, they draw in the crowds, they sell the tickets, so they get the big money.
But even for them top-tier guys, it ain’t always consistent. They might get a big payday for one fight, and then less for the next. It depends on who they fightin’, how big the event is, how many folks are watchin’. It’s like sellin’ corn at the market – sometimes you got a good crop and lots of buyers, sometimes you don’t.
I also heard they changed how they pay some of them fellas. Used to be they got some money just for showin’ up, and then more if they won. Now, some of ’em just get one flat fee. Win or lose, that’s what they get. I guess it makes it simpler, but I dunno if it’s fair. Seems like if ya win, ya should get more, right?
And let’s not forget, this bare knuckle fightin’ thing, it ain’t been around forever like baseball or football. It’s still kinda new, still growin’. So the money, it ain’t always steady. One year they might be payin’ good, next year, maybe not so much. It’s a gamble, just like plantin’ crops. Sometimes ya get a good harvest, sometimes ya don’t.
So, how much do they make? Well, like I said, it depends. It could be a few thousand dollars, it could be a few million. It depends on how good ya are, how famous ya are, and how much folks wanna see ya fight. But one thing’s for sure, it ain’t easy money. They gotta train hard, they gotta risk gettin’ hurt, and they gotta deal with all the ups and downs of the fightin’ business. It ain’t for the faint of heart, that’s for sure.

So next time you see them fellas on TV, beatin’ the tar outta each other, remember they ain’t just doin’ it for fun. They doin’ it for a livin’. And some of ’em are doin’ pretty well for themselves, while others are just scrapin’ by. It is what it is. Just like life, ain’t it?
To sum it up, I’d say the money a bare knuckle fighter makes is all over the place. Low-tier fellas might get between ten and thirty thousand, while the champions and superstars could be lookin’ at anywhere from five hundred thousand to three million dollars. That’s a big difference, ain’t it?
Tags: [Bare Knuckle Fighting, BKFC, Fighter Pay, Fight Purses, Combat Sports, Mike Perry, Fight Salaries, Boxing, MMA]