Well, howdy there, y’all! Let’s talk about this here “Infinity Craft” game. My young’uns are always playin’ it, and they keep yellin’ about not havin’ no “internet” in it. So, I figured, old Bessie here can figure this out, can’t I? It can’t be harder than milkin’ a cow, right?
So, first off, what in tarnation is this “Infinity Craft” anyways? From what I gather, it’s like buildin’ stuff, you know? Like makin’ a chicken coop, but on the computer. And this “internet” thing? Seems like it’s important for doin’ more stuff in the game. Like gettin’ more buildin’ blocks or seein’ what other folks are doin’. Kinda like gossiping over the fence, but online, I reckon.

Now, them youngsters told me you gotta make the internet in this game. Can you believe that? Back in my day, the internet was somethin’ them city slickers had, not somethin’ you whipped up like a batch of biscuits. But fine, I’ll play along. Let’s get down to brass tacks and figure out how to make this here internet in “Infinity Craft.” It ain’t gonna be easy, but nothin’ worthwhile ever is.
Alright, so first things first, you gotta start with somethin’ simple. Like, real simple. Think of it like makin’ a quilt. You start with little scraps of fabric, right? Well, in this here game, you gotta start with little bits of… well, whatever they give ya. Water and fire, they say. You slap them two together, and what do ya get? Steam! Just like when I’m cookin’ up a mess of greens on the stove. That steam is important, see? It’s the start of somethin’ bigger.
Next, you gotta take that steam and mix it with some earth. Where do ya get earth? Probably just dig it up, like plantin’ taters. Mix ’em up, and you get… a plant! See, it’s kinda like real life, ain’t it? You need water, dirt, and a little heat to grow somethin’. Now you got yourself a plant.
- Water + Fire = Steam
- Steam + Earth = Plant
Now, things start gettin’ a bit trickier. You gotta take that plant and mix it with some more earth. Why more earth? Well, plants need a lot of dirt to grow big and strong, right? Just like my prize-winning tomatoes! So, you mix ’em up, and you get… a tree! A big ol’ tree, just like the one in my backyard where the squirrels like to chatter all day long.
Alright, we’re gettin’ somewhere! Now, what do you do with a tree? You chop it down, of course! But in this game, you don’t need no axe. You just mix that tree with another tree. And what do you get? Wood! Yep, just plain ol’ wood. The kind you use to build a fence or a barn.
- Plant + Earth = Tree
- Tree + Tree = Wood
Now, this is where it starts gettin’ fancy. You take that wood, and you mix it with that fire we used way back in the beginnin’. What do ya get? Paper! See, it’s like makin’ paper for writin’ letters, but without all the fuss of pulpin’ and pressin’. Just mix wood and fire, and boom! Paper!

And here’s where it gets really, really fancy. You take that paper you just made and you mix it with that plant we made a while back. Why? I ain’t got the foggiest idea! But them game designers, they know what they’re doin’, I reckon. So, you mix ’em up, and you get… Books! Yep, a whole stack of books, like the ones at the library in town. I never did learn to read too good, but I hear them books are full of all sorts of knowledge.
- Wood + Fire = Paper
- Paper + Plant = Books
Alright, we’re almost there! Now you take them books and mix ’em with some more books. It’s like stackin’ ‘em up real high, I guess. And what do you get when you stack up a whole bunch of books? You get… a library! A big ol’ library, full of all the learnin’ in the world. Or at least, in the game world.
Now for the final step! You take that library and mix it with that steam we made right at the very beginnin’. Why steam? Who knows! Maybe it powers the library, like a steam engine? Anyways, you mix them two together and… ta-da! You got yourself some internet! See? It weren’t so hard after all. Just took a bit of elbow grease and a whole lot of mixin’.
- Books + Books = Library
- Library + Steam = Internet
So there you have it, folks. That’s how you make the internet in “Infinity Craft,” according to old Bessie. It might sound crazy, but it works! Now go on and get to playin’. And don’t forget to call your grandma once in a while!
Now, I hear tell there’s other ways to get this here internet too. Some folks say you can just stumble across it, like findin’ a lucky penny on the road. Others say you can make it with different things altogether. But this here way I showed ya, it worked for me, so it ought to work for you too. If it don’t, well, don’t come cryin’ to me! I ain’t no computer expert, just an old woman tryin’ to help out.
Tags: Infinity Craft, Internet, Crafting Guide, Game Tips, Virtual World, Online, Building, Beginners Guide, How-to