Now listen here, if you’re playin’ that Sword of Convallaria and you got Beryl on your team, lemme tell ya, you’re in for a treat. Beryl, now she’s a real spark, ain’t no weak lass by any means. Got herself a workshop and a curious mind that could outsmart most, but in this game, you wanna build her just right so she can dish out some serious damage. I’m talkin’ about pickin’ the right gear, the best tarot cards, and sortin’ her skills proper so she can really shine.
Alright, so first up, let’s talk gear. Now, ya want Beryl to be hittin’ hard, no time for skimpin’ here. The best weapon fer her is somethin’ that boosts her critical hit rate – make sure she’s got a weapon that can dish it out. Now, Beryl, she’s best when she’s dealin’ big damage, so we gotta focus on that. Somethin’ like a high damage sword’s a must, keeps her dealin’ blows like a champ. Ain’t no use givin’ her some weak little dagger, she needs somethin’ with power!

Now then, on to the tarot cards. This here part is key, ’cause if you get her set up with the right tarot card, she’s gonna be nearly unstoppable. The best one folks been talkin’ ‘bout is the Verdict of Justice card. Let me tell ya, this card is all about boosting Beryl’s crits without any fuss. Nothin’ fancy ya gotta do – it’s just right there, makin’ her more powerful from the get-go. It’s what ya need if ya want her takin’ down enemies fast and clean. Another one that folks like is Whispers of Temperance. This one gives her a shield, keeps her safe while she’s in the heat of the battle. Ain’t no enemy gonna take her down easy if she’s got that up.
Now lemme get into that skill tree. Beryl’s got quite a few skills, and if ya don’t pick right, ya might find yerself in a bit of a pickle, but no worries, I gotcha covered. The first one ya wanna grab is Wall of Flame. This skill here’s like a big ol’ cross-shaped area of fire. When she uses it, anyone standin’ in the way is gonna feel it. Real good fer crowd control. Gets them enemies to stay back where they belong.
Another top-notch skill to get is somethin’ called Flare Burst. Now this one lets Beryl hit a single target hard, perfect fer takin’ down bosses or tough enemies. But don’t ya be wastin’ it on just anyone, save it fer the big guns. An’ if ya got extra points to spare, grab her that Burning Rage. It boosts her fire-based attacks, makin’ her hit harder every time.
If ya want her more defensive-like, you can go fer skills that help her take hits better, like Iron Heart. But keep in mind, this build’s mainly to make her deal as much damage as possible. Ain’t no need to make her too tanky; let her hit ‘em hard and fast instead. That’s the way to go with Beryl.
As fer trinkets, well, she’s gotta have somethin’ that matches up with her skills. Try to get her somethin’ that boosts her fire skills or crit rate. If ya can manage it, get a trinket that boosts attack speed too. With those, she’ll be dealin’ damage faster and gettin’ hits in quicker, which is exactly what ya want. Beryl’s got the kind of build where more attacks mean more firepower, and you’re gonna see the effects right quick.
Now, Beryl’s a special one alright, an’ if ya follow this guide, she’s gonna be a powerhouse. Just keep focusin’ on those big damage skills, buildin’ her crits up, and pickin’ the right gear. It’s simple when ya know what ta look fer, but ya gotta follow through.

So there ya have it – gear her up right, get the Verdict of Justice tarot, and pick those skills that keep her strong on the attack. You’ll find that she’s gonna be one of the most powerful characters on yer team if ya stick to this here guide. Now go on and get Beryl out there – let her show those enemies who’s boss!
Tags:[Sword of Convallaria, Beryl Guide, Tarot Guide, Best Gear, Skill Tree]