Well now, if you’re wonderin’ who owns them Texas Rangers, let me tell ya. The team is owned by two fellas, Ray Davis and Bob Simpson. They got the team back in 2010, that’s when they bought it, and they’re the main ones runnin’ the show. They hold the big ol’ majority of the team, and they ain’t shy about their ownership, I reckon.
Ray Davis, he ain’t no stranger to makin’ money. He worked in the energy business for more than forty years, dealin’ with all sorts of stuff to do with energy, whatever that means. He was the big boss at Energy Transfer Partners, and then he retired back in 2007 with a mighty fine net worth of about a billion dollars! Can you imagine? A billion dollars. You wouldn’t have to work another day in your life with that kinda money. But Ray didn’t just sit on his hands. Three years after retirin’, he teamed up with some other folks and helped buy the Texas Rangers, so that’s how he got involved with the team.

Now, Bob Simpson, he’s the other fella who owns the Rangers. He’s a businessman too, and he’s been around in the oil and gas industry for a long time. He worked alongside Ray Davis in this whole deal with the Rangers, and together they got things sorted out back in 2010. These two fellas are the ones who made sure the Rangers stayed in good hands after the previous owners, including folks like Thomas Hicks, had their time with the team.
The Texas Rangers, they didn’t always call Arlington home. Back when the team first started in 1961, they were called the Washington Senators, based in Washington, D.C. But then in 1972, the whole team moved on over to Arlington, Texas, and became the Texas Rangers like we know ’em today. That move was a big deal, and Arlington’s been their home ever since.
Now, it ain’t just Ray and Bob runnin’ everything. There’s a whole group of people involved in the ownership, called Rangers Baseball Express. They’re the ones who hold the majority of the team’s shares, and they’ve been in charge of the day-to-day goings-on since 2010. So, while Ray and Bob are the head honchos, there’s more folks helpin’ out behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smooth-like.
Before Ray and Bob, the team was owned by Thomas O. Hicks and some other folks. Thomas O. Hicks was the one in charge back in 1998 until 2010 when Ray and Bob took over. But before that, there was a whole long list of owners goin’ all the way back to the start of the franchise, back in the day when the team was first established as the Washington Senators in 1961.
And just for a bit of history, the Texas Rangers were originally set up in 1863 by a fella named Stephen F. Austin. He was the one who established the group to protect settlers back in them days. That’s a long time ago, and the Rangers have changed a whole lot since then. But they’re still playin’ the game and makin’ us proud here in Texas.
So, when it comes down to it, the Texas Rangers are owned by Ray Davis and Bob Simpson. They’ve been takin’ care of the team since 2010, and they ain’t goin’ anywhere anytime soon. The Rangers are in good hands, with a lotta history behind ‘em, and a lotta folks excited for the future.

Tags: [Texas Rangers, who owns the Texas Rangers, Ray Davis, Bob Simpson, Texas Rangers ownership, baseball team ownership, MLB, Texas baseball]