Alright, let me tell ya ’bout this “Eternal Concert” thing in that Wuthering Waves game. My grandson, he’s always fiddlin’ with that phone of his, playin’ these games. He showed me this one, and well, it’s kinda got a story, ya know? Like them old soap operas, but with more fightin’ and jumpin’ around.
So, this “Eternal Concert,” it ain’t the main story, mind you. It’s what they call a “side quest.” You know, like when you go to the store for milk and end up buyin’ a lottery ticket too? Kinda like that. Not necessary, but… well, sometimes it’s more fun than the milk, ain’t it?

What’s this “Eternal Concert” all about? Well, it happens in this place called Port City of Guixu. Sounds fancy, huh? Probably got more concrete than my whole village. Anyway, this concert thing… it’s a story, a whole separate story from the main game. My grandson says it’s the best darn story in the whole game so far. And that boy, he plays a lot, so I guess he knows what he’s talkin’ about.
Now, you don’t gotta do this “Eternal Concert” quest. The game won’t yell at ya or nothin’. You can just keep on with the main story, fightin’ monsters and doin’ whatever it is you do in them games. But, and this is a big but, my grandson says you need this thing called “Union EXP.” Sounds like some kinda fancy fertilizer, don’t it? But no, it’s what you need to unlock more of the main story. So, I guess doin’ these side quests, like this concert thing, it’s like… fertilizin’ your game progress. Makes sense, right?
Here’s the thing about these side quests: They give you that Union EXP stuff. So, you do this concert, you get the EXP, you get more story. It’s like feedin’ a chicken to get eggs, I guess. And this concert, like I said, my grandson says it’s a good one. He was all excited, tellin’ me about the characters and the plot. Sounded complicated, but he seemed to like it, so it must be somethin’ special.
- Side quests are not necessary: You don’t have to do them, but they help. Like eatin’ your vegetables, I guess.
- They give Union EXP: That’s important for unlockin’ more of the main game. Think of it like keys to a bigger house.
- “Eternal Concert” is a good one: At least accordin’ to my grandson. And he’s the expert, not me.
Honestly, I don’t understand half of what goes on in that game. Too much flashin’ lights and weird noises for my old eyes. But I do understand this: sometimes the side stories, the little detours, they’re the ones that stick with ya. Like that time I went to the county fair lookin’ for a prize-winning pig and ended up meetin’ my husband. See? Sometimes the unexpected things are the best things.
So, if you’re playin’ this Wuthering Waves thing, and you come across this “Eternal Concert” quest, maybe give it a shot. It might not be the main attraction, but it might just surprise ya. And if nothin’ else, it’ll give you that Union EXP stuff so you can keep on playin’ that noisy game of yours. Now, where did I put my glasses…?
My grandson told me that some people make like a whole list of these side thingys you can do. It’s like a shopping list, but for game stuff. He says they even put down what rewards you get. He’s always lookin’ at that list, makin’ plans like he’s goin’ to war or somethin’. Kids these days, they take their games real serious, ya know? But I guess if you’re gonna spend all that time playin’, might as well do it right, get all the good stuff you can.

Anyway, back to this concert thing. I reckon it’s important because it helps you understand the world in the game better. Like, you get to know the people, the places… it’s not just about the fighting all the time. It’s like… reading a book, but you get to be part of the story, kinda. My grandson, he says it makes the game more “immersive.” Fancy word, huh? Means it feels more real, I guess.
So, there you have it. That’s all I know ’bout this “Eternal Concert” in Wuthering Waves. Not much, I admit, but maybe enough to get you started. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. All this talk about games and concerts has made me hungry.
Tags: Wuthering Waves, Eternal Concert, Side Quest, Port City of Guixu, Union EXP, Game Guide, Story, Gameplay