Alright, so I decided to jump back into the game today, specifically wanting to check out this ‘horse head mission’ I’d heard whispers about. Not entirely sure what to expect, but hey, that’s half the fun, right?
First off, I loaded up my save. Found myself back in that misty forest area, you know the one. Spent a good chunk of time just wandering around, trying to find a clue or trigger for this specific mission. Wasn’t obvious at first. I talked to a couple of those silent statue guys, poked around some ruined shrines. Nothing.

Then, I stumbled upon this weird, kinda hidden path behind a waterfall. Classic game design, gotta love it. Followed that path down into a much darker, spookier cave system. The vibe immediately shifted. Much more tense down there.
Heading Deeper
Inside the cave, things got tricky. Lots of those fast, little shadow creatures jumping out. Had to rely heavily on dodging and quick staff swings. Used that stone clone ability a few times to draw their attention away, which definitely saved my skin more than once. It wasn’t super hard, but you had to stay focused, you know? Easy to get overwhelmed if you let them surround you.
I pushed further in, navigating these narrow tunnels. Found a small chest tucked away in an alcove. Didn’t have anything amazing, just some crafting bits and pieces, but still, always nice to find loot.
Eventually, the tunnels opened up into a large cavern. And there it was. This… thing. Looked like a giant, twisted horse statue, but corrupted, with glowing red eyes and this dark energy swirling around it. Guess that’s the ‘horse head’ part. It wasn’t just a statue though, it animated as soon as I got close.
The Big Fight
Man, this thing hit hard. It had a nasty charge attack that took off a huge chunk of health if you didn’t dodge perfectly. Also did this stomp thing that sent out shockwaves. Took me a couple of tries, not gonna lie.
Here’s roughly what I focused on:

- Dodging: Mostly side-dodging the charge, jumping over the shockwaves.
- Attacking: Getting in quick combos after it finished an attack, especially after the charge when it seemed briefly stunned.
- Abilities: Used the immobilize spell a couple of times to get some free hits in. Also transformed into that heavy rock form once to just tank a big hit when my health was low.
The key was patience, really. Couldn’t get greedy. Chip away, dodge, wait for an opening. After maybe the third or fourth attempt, I finally got its health down. The final blow felt pretty good, watching it crumble into dust and that dark energy dissipate.
After the fight, the cavern floor revealed some kind of mechanism. Activating it opened up a new passage, which seems to be the way forward. Didn’t get a specific named item drop from the boss itself, more like beating it was the key to progress. Felt like a solid bit of gameplay, a decent challenge that made you use your toolkit. Now, gotta see where this new path leads.