So, I finally sat down and played through Lords of the Fallen recently. Thought I’d keep a little log of the bosses I ran into, just kinda how I remember tackling them in my playthrough. It’s roughly the order I managed to beat ’em, you know how these games can be, sometimes you bump into someone tough early and come back later.
First off, right out the gate, there was that tutorial fella, Holy Bulwark Otto. More of a teaching moment, really, but still counts, I guess. Gets you used to the basics.

Then the first proper challenge felt like Scourged Sister Delyth. She was waiting there after that climb. Took me a couple of tries to get her moves down, especially that grab.
After that, things ramped up with Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal. Now she was a real fight. Took me a good while. Felt great finally getting past her, like the game was properly starting.
Next up for me was the Congregator of Flesh. Big ol’ ugly thing down in the swampy area. Wasn’t too complex, mostly about dodging its big swings and staying out of the muck.
Then I remember dealing with The Hushed Saint. The horse phase was kind of cool, different from the usual. Had to really pay attention to the environment for that one.
Spurned Progeny was quite the spectacle. Giant fiery dude. Mostly about keeping distance during certain attacks and knowing when to run in. Hit hard, though.
Somewhere around there, I dealt with the Infernal Enchantress. She was annoying with all her ranged stuff and summoning buddies. More about crowd control than a direct brawl.

The Skinstealer… ugh, this guy. Fast and nasty. Found him in a pretty tight spot too, which didn’t help. Had to be quick on my feet for this one.
Then came the double trouble: Tancred, Master of Castigations, followed immediately by Reinhold the Immured. That was a tough sequence, switching tactics mid-fight after beating Tancred.
Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel was another big checkpoint boss, felt like it. Had multiple phases, really tested endurance and pattern recognition. A cool fight, visually.
Now, The Lightreaper… this dude kept popping up throughout the game, bugging me. I didn’t actually manage to beat him for good until much later on. He was always a pain when he showed up unexpectedly, but the final showdown felt like settling a score.
Getting towards the end, I faced the Sundered Monarch. Big dude, lots of area attacks. Felt like a proper late-game challenge, needed solid focus.
And finally, depending on how things shake out, you end up with someone like Adyr, the Bereft Exile. That felt like the culmination of the main path I took, anyway.

So yeah, that’s basically the list of major roadblocks I smashed through. There were definitely some other smaller bosses and tough enemies sprinkled in, but these were the big names I remember marking my progress through the game. Quite the journey, took some real effort to get through them all.