Okay, so today I decided to finally figure out how to catch that darn Catfish in Stardew Valley. I’ve been playing for a while, but some of these fish are just ridiculously hard to get!
First, I did a little digging online. Gotta know your enemy, right? I quickly learned that the Catfish is only around during certain seasons and weather conditions.

- Spring and Fall: These are your prime seasons.
- Rainy Days: Gotta have rain. The Catfish loves the gloomy weather.
- River and Lake: It showed that catfish can be found in river(town and forest) and lake.
So, I waited. And waited. Finally, Spring rolled around, and I made sure my character was ready. I upgraded my fishing rod as much as I could – that extra bit of help makes a difference, trust me. I also stocked up on bait. Worms are always a good choice, although I’ve heard some people have luck with other types. I don’t bother with those fancy lures, just give me the worms!
The waiting game
I saw a rainy day, and I rushed down to the river in town. I stood there for what felt like forever, casting my line again and again. Mostly I was just catching the usual stuff – Smallmouth Bass, Bream, the occasional piece of trash… Then finally, BAM! A really strong pull. This was different.
The fishing mini-game started, and this fish was a FIGHTER. It zipped up and down the bar like crazy. My heart was pounding. I carefully kept the little green bar on the fish, slowly reeling it in when I could, letting it run a bit when it got too feisty. It took a while, and my fingers were actually getting a little sore!
Finally, after a real struggle, I pulled it in. And there it was – a Catfish! I was so stoked. All that preparation and patience paid off. Now I can finally complete that one bundle in the Community Center.
So in review, the trick to catching a Catfish is to know when it will appear, go to the right place, be prepared for a tough fight, and most of all, be patient.