Alright, let’s talk about getting iron going in V Rising. Man, hitting that wall where copper just doesn’t cut it anymore is rough. I remember being stuck there for a bit, wondering how the heck I was supposed to get stronger gear.
Figuring Out the ‘How’
So, first thing, I knew I needed iron. But my basic furnace? Nah, that thing only knows copper. I poked around in the build menu, looked at my crafting stations, nothing. Then it hit me – gotta be a V Blood boss reward, right? Those guys hold all the good stuff.

I opened up the V Blood menu and started scrolling. Took me a minute, but then I saw him: Quincy the Bandit King. His rewards listed stuff about smithing and, crucially, iron smelting. Bingo. That was my target.
Gearing Up and The Hunt
Okay, so Quincy wasn’t exactly gonna be a walk in the park. He’s chilling in the northern part of Farbane Woods, in that big Bandit Stronghold. Before I even thought about heading up there, I made sure my gear was as good as I could make it. Polished up my Merciless Copper weapons, made sure I had plenty of Vermin Salves, maybe even splurged on a better blood type if I could find a decent source.
Tracking him was easy enough with the blood altar thing. Followed the red whisps all the way up to his fortress. It’s pretty heavily guarded, lots of bandits milling about. I tried to sneak past some, took out others quietly. Didn’t want to pull the whole base before fighting the boss.
The Showdown with Quincy
Finding Quincy himself wasn’t too hard once inside the main fort area. The fight? Well, it was messy. He hits like a truck and has this nasty habit of throwing explosives that break your gear’s durability. Ouch. And that shield he puts up? Super annoying. Took me a couple of tries, not gonna lie. Had to learn his patterns, dodge those big swings, and break his shield quick.
Finally, after a lot of running around and careful hits, I got him down. Felt pretty good, let me tell ya.
Unlocking the Good Stuff
So, Quincy’s down, I did the whole blood-sucking animation thing. And there it was. The reward popped up: unlocked the Smithy building, the recipe for Iron Ingots, and the recipe for the Furnace structure needed to actually smelt the iron. Sweet relief!

Getting Down to Business: Making Iron
Right, back to base I went. First order of business was building that Furnace. Checked the recipe – needed some Stone Bricks and Copper Ingots, nothing too crazy since I’d been hoarding copper. Got that built pretty quick.
Next up: finding the actual iron ore. This was the next hurdle. I remembered seeing some nodes guarded by spooky stuff way up north, in the Haunted Iron Mine area in Dunley Farmlands. Bit of a trek, and definitely more dangerous than Farbane Woods, but hey, gotta get that iron.
Made the trip, carefully mined a bunch of iron ore while dodging ghosts and skeletons, and hauled it back to my shiny new Furnace. Loaded it up with the ore (and some wood for fuel, obviously). Waiting for that first batch of Iron Ingots to pop out felt like ages, but man, when it did? Success!
Finally having iron unlocked a whole new tier of gear and building options. It really felt like the game opened up properly after that. It’s a key step, took some effort tracking down Quincy and then getting the ore, but totally worth it. No more flimsy copper! Well, for a while, anyway.