Okay, so today I wanted to try and get a shiny Snover. I’ve always thought the shiny version looked cool, like a little frosted Christmas tree, much better than the regular green one.
First, I booted up my game and flew to the area where Snover hangs out – usually snowy areas, obviously. I made sure I had plenty of Ultra Balls and a Pokémon with False Swipe to weaken them without knocking them out. That’s always key for shiny hunting.
Then, it was just a matter of running around in the grass, encountering Snover after Snover. Honestly, this part is the most boring. It’s all about luck and patience. Sometimes you get it right away, sometimes you’re there for hours.I even put a show to watch.
- Encounter 1-50: Nothing. Just regular, green Snovers.
- Encounter 51-100: Still nothing. I started to wonder if my game was glitched or something!
- Encounter 101-130: Keep fighting.I ate some snacks and thought,Maybe today is not my day.
- Encounter 136: Boom! There it was! A beautiful, purplish-blue shiny Snover. My heart skipped a beat, not gonna lie.
I carefully threw a Quick Ball, hoping to get lucky,but that’s too * broke out right away. Then start the real job, used False Swipe to get its health down to 1 HP, then started chucking Ultra Balls. It took about five Ultra Balls, but finally, I caught it!
Finally got it!
I was so stoked! I saved the game like five times, just to be * checked out its stats – not the best, but who cares? It’s a shiny! Named it “Frosty.” Perfect name, right?
So yeah, that’s my shiny Snover story. It took a while, but it was totally worth it. Now, to decide which shiny to hunt next…