Okay, so, I was scrolling through social media the other day, and I came across something that really caught my eye. It was a picture of Sean Strickland, you know, the UFC fighter? But here’s the kicker – he had long hair in this photo. Yeah, you heard that right! This guy, who usually sports a buzz cut so short it looks like he shaves his head with a rusty razor, was rocking some serious locks.
At first, I was like, “No way, that can’t be him.” I mean, I’m so used to seeing Strickland with that signature bald look. So, naturally, I had to do some digging. I spent a good chunk of my evening going down this rabbit hole, trying to find out more about Sean Strickland with hair.

My Exploration
- Started with the usual suspects: I went to the main image and see the most key word is Sean Strickland Long hair.
- Dived into forums and fan pages: These places are goldmines for this kind of stuff. You get all sorts of fan theories and discussions, some of it is total nonsense, and some is really helpful. I found a bunch of old photos and even some video clips of Strickland from his younger days. It seems like he’s had longer hair a few times in the past.
- Compared timelines: This part was a bit tricky, but I tried to piece together when these photos might have been taken. It looks like most of them are from his early career, way before he was in the UFC.
After all this “research,” I felt like I had a pretty good handle on the whole Sean Strickland hair saga. It was a fun little detour from my usual routine, and it just goes to show that even tough guys like Strickland can change up their look every now and then.
I know some people think its a key element to his performance. I personally think It was a fun little detour from my usual routine, and it just goes to show that even tough guys like Strickland can change up their look every now and then. Anyway, I just wanted to share my little adventure with you all.
And I’m not going to talk about his income here, it has nothing to do with my exploration.
Hope you guys enjoy it!