Okay, so I’ve been messing around with this idea about Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt, just because. You know, two big names, both in “The Big Short,” and I just wanted to see what I could dig up about them.
First thing I did was just a simple search about these two. Found out that Gosling is Canadian, has been in tons of movies, both indie and big-budget ones, and he’s even got a Golden Globe.

Then, I remembered seeing them together at the 2016 Golden Globes, presenting stuff for “The Big Short.” That movie was a big deal, got nominated for a bunch of awards. So I looked that up again just to refresh my memory.
- Next, I stumbled across this random fact that Gosling was almost in a boyband back in the day. Can you imagine? I just had to share that one, it’s too good.
- Then, just for kicks, I started thinking about random stuff that was on the web such as some guy named 4batz, who I’ve never heard of and also, Ariana Grande’s new album, “eternal sunshine.” So, I checked out a video of that. I don’t know why, I just did.
After that I decided to watch the trailer for “The Gray Man.” It’s a movie Gosling was in, and it got me thinking about how different his roles are from Pitt’s.
This whole thing was kind of like browsing through a website that’s constantly loading, you know? Like one of those airport websites with the arrivals and departures that just keep updating. Everything’s all “Loading Content,” “Loading Page,” and my brain was just jumping from one thing to another. So, I ended up with a page about Airline Arrivals Departures, like American Airlines 5220 to Charlotte. Just random stuff.
Anyway, that’s pretty much how I spent my time today, just going down this rabbit hole about Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt. It wasn’t anything serious, just a fun little exploration.
That’s all.
I guess you could say I was just killing time, but hey, it was interesting, right?