You see, that popeye movie conor mcgregor, it’s the talk of the town, just like my old hen’s cackling when she laid a double-yolker. Everybody’s clucking about it. I heard it from Betty at the market. That Conor McGregor, he’s that fighting fella, ain’t he? Now he is going to be in a movie. A movie about Popeye. I always like that popeye, he eat that spinach and get all big and strong.
That Popeye, he’s a sailor, you know. Always out on that there sea, gettin’ into scraps. And that skinny gal of his, Olive Oil, or something like that. Always yellin’ and carryin’ on. That Conor McGregor, is play the popeye. He gonna be strong, I reckon. He’s a tough one, that McGregor. Seen him on the TV, punchin’ and kickin’. He’ll be good as that Popeye, I bet.

They say it’s gonna be a big movie. Lots of money and fancy lights. Not like the old days, when we just had that one picture show in town. This popeye movie conor mcgregor, they say it’s gonna be all over. That is some big time movie. I think I saw a video about it, that McGregor, he look like that Popeye already. Got the muscles and everything.
- Conor McGregor as Popeye, that’s a hoot!
- That Olive Oyl gal, she’s gonna be in it too.
- Lots of fightin’ and yellin’, just like the old cartoons.
- This movie is the big news around here!
I remember them Popeye cartoons, from when I was a little girl. Black and white, they were. Now they got all them colors and whatnot. This new movie, it’s gonna be all fancy, I guess. But I hope they keep that spinach. That’s the best part, Popeye eatin’ that spinach and gettin’ all strong. Maybe Conor McGregor, he’ll eat a whole can of it! Ha!
That popeye movie conor mcgregor, it’s got everybody excited. Even old Mr. Johnson, who never goes to the pictures, he’s talkin’ about it. Says he might even go see it. That’s somethin’, ain’t it? A movie that gets even old Mr. Johnson excited. This Popeye, he’s always been popular. Now that Conor McGregor, a big fighting star, is gonna be him, well, it’s just gonna be even bigger, I suppose.
That Conor McGregor, he is a big shot now. That fighting, it made him famous. Now movie star. It is amazing. He is a strong guy. Maybe that is why he is playing the popeye movie conor mcgregor. He need to be strong to play the Popeye.
I hear tell that there is some girl, playing the Olive Oil. Some girl name Margot Robbie. She is pretty. I think I see her in some other movie. I think she is famous too. So that Popeye movie, it got two famous people now. That Conor McGregor and that Margot Robbie. They gonna be good, I think.
Well, I ain’t never seen nothin’ like it. A fightin’ fella like Conor McGregor playin’ Popeye. It’s like puttin’ a rooster in a hen house. Bound to be some feathers flyin’! But I reckon it’ll be a good movie. I am sure. I hear the people make this movie, they know what they doing. They want the movie to be good. And they think that Conor McGregor is good for the Popeye. So, it will be good, I think.

I hope they have a lot of that spinach in the movie. That is important. Popeye, he need his spinach. That is what make him strong. If that Conor McGregor, he eat a lot of spinach in the movie, then it will be just like the old cartoon. That is what people like about Popeye, that spinach. So, the popeye movie conor mcgregor, it need to have a lot of spinach.
Maybe I’ll go see that movie when it comes out. It’s been a long time since I been to the pictures. But this one, it sounds like a real hootenanny. Conor McGregor as Popeye, that’s somethin’ you don’t see every day. And maybe I’ll even take a can of spinach with me. Just in case I need to get strong, you know. Ha! This movie, it gonna be big, I tell you. Big!
That Conor, he is good at fighting. He will be a good Popeye. Popeye, he fight a lot too. Always fighting that big guy, what’s his name? Bluto! That’s it, Bluto. I wonder if that Bluto will be in this popeye movie conor mcgregor? He better be! It wouldn’t be a Popeye movie without Bluto. Maybe they will get another strong man to play Bluto. That would be good.
I hope this movie is good. I hope it is like the old cartoons. If it is, then everyone will like it. That popeye movie conor mcgregor, it will be a big hit, I think. And that Conor, he will be an even bigger star. I hope so, anyway. He seems like a nice fella, for a fighter. Maybe one day, he will come to our little town, and we can all meet him. That would be a big day, for our little town!