Alright, so I’ve been playing Pokemon Platinum again recently, and this time I went with Piplup as my starter. That little penguin is just too cute to resist, you know? But I’m aiming for more than just cuteness here, I wanted to build a solid team around it, a team that could take on anything the game throws at us.
So, I started my journey, Piplup by my side. We battled our way through the early routes, catching some classics like Starly and Shinx. Starly’s a reliable choice for any Sinnoh team, it evolves into Staraptor pretty quick, and let me tell you, Staraptor is a beast. Brave Bird and Close Combat? Yes, please! Shinx, on the other hand, was a bit of a slow burn at first. But once it turned into Luxray, it became a powerhouse. That Intimidate ability is super useful, and it hits hard with moves like Spark and Crunch.

As I progressed, I knew I needed more than just those two. I remembered all the times I struggled with Ground-types in past playthroughs, so I decided to pick up a Roselia. Roserade is an amazing Grass-type. With moves like Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb, it covered a lot of Empoleon’s weaknesses, especially that pesky Ground. Plus, it added some much-needed Special Attack power to my team.
Now, here’s where things got interesting. I spent hours, and I mean hours, in the Underground trying to find a Gible. Garchomp is one of my all-time favorite Pokemon. It’s a pseudo-legendary for a reason. Earthquake, Dragon Claw, it’s a monster in battle. And let me tell you, the grind was worth it. Having Garchomp on the team felt like a game-changer. It swept through so many battles like they were nothing.
I also added a Gyarados to the mix. I figured, with all that water around Sinnoh, I might as well make use of it. Plus, Gyarados is just a classic. Waterfall, Ice Fang, it’s a solid choice. It definitely pulled its weight, especially against those annoying Fire-types that Roserade sometimes struggled with.
Finally, to round it all off, I caught a Sneasel and evolved it into Weavile. I wanted a strong Ice-type to deal with Dragon-types, especially Cynthia’s Garchomp. Weavile’s speed and power are incredible. Ice Punch, Night Slash, it’s a real glass cannon, but it hits so hard.
So there you have it, my final team:
- Empoleon
- Staraptor
- Luxray
- Roserade
- Garchomp
- Gyarados
- Weavile
I trained them hard, battled every trainer I could find, and finally, we took on the Elite Four and Cynthia. It was tough, no doubt, but we pulled through. It felt so good to see all that hard work pay off. And you know what? Piplup, who started as that cute little penguin, evolved into a powerful Empoleon, leading the charge all the way to the Pokemon League Championship. This team became my favorite in Pokemon Platinum.

Honestly, building this team was a blast. It reminded me why I love Pokemon so much. The strategy, the training, the battles, it’s all so much fun. If you’re playing Pokemon Platinum, give this team a try. You might just surprise yourself.