So, I’ve been messing around with this phrase, “plenty arisen to go round,” and trying to figure out how to actually use it in a real-world project. It’s kinda old-timey sounding, but I thought it could be cool for a little resource management thing I was building.
First, I brainstormed where it would even make sense. I mean, you can’t just throw it into any old sentence. It’s about having enough of something, and that something being available to share. So, I decided to use it in a simple simulation of a, like, a village sharing food.

I started by sketching out the basic idea: a certain amount of food, a certain number of villagers, and a way to distribute the food. I used plain old variables at first – just numbers to represent everything. `foodSupply = 100`, `villagers = 10`, that kind of thing.
Then I started coding. I picked Python ’cause it is really easy for quick * I wrote a simple loop to simulate each villager taking some food. I just randomly picked a number between, say, 1 and 5, to represent how much each villager took.
import random
food_supply = 100
villagers = 10

for i in range(villagers):
food_taken = *(1, 5)
food_supply -= food_taken
print(f”Villager {i+1} took {food_taken} food. Remaining: {food_supply}”)
The basic sharing logic is done. I added a check for the phrase usage:

import random
food_supply = 100
villagers = 10
for i in range(villagers):
food_taken = *(1, 5)
if food_supply >=food_taken:

food_supply -= food_taken
print(f”Villager {i+1} took {food_taken} food. Remaining: {food_supply}”)
print(f”Villager {i+1} couldn’t take food. Not enough remaining.”)
if food_supply>0:
print(“There’s plenty arisen to go round!”)
print(“Not enough for everyone!”)
I ran the code a few times. I played with the amount of food and the villagers to test the limits.I tweaked the `food_taken` amount to simulate some villagers being greedier than others.I also experimented with adding a “harvest” function to replenish the food supply after a certain number of rounds.
Then,I output the string that represents the phrase, `plenty arisen to go round`.It will be shown when the remaining food is enough for everyone.
So, that’s basically it. A very simple, kinda silly example, but it’s a way to take a phrase and actually put it into action. It’s not rocket science, but it was a fun little exercise!