Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this fella, Pat McAfee, and all this corbom he’s been stirrin’ up. I ain’t no fancy pants expert or nothin’, but I can tell ya when somethin’ stinks, and this whole situation, it’s got a whiff to it, ya know?
First off, this Pat McAfee guy, seems like he’s always yappin’ ‘bout somethin’. Folks are sayin’ he’s got this big show, and he’s on TV and all. But seems to me, he just likes to hear himself talk. Like that time he was jabberin’ ‘bout that Miami-Virginia Tech game. Folks got all riled up, sayin’ he was bein’ unfair and whatnot. I don’t know nothin’ ‘bout football, but I know when people are gettin’ their feathers ruffled. It’s like when your rooster starts crowin’ at the crack of dawn – just plain noisy and gets on your nerves.

And then there’s this whole deal with that Aaron Rodgers fella and Jimmy Kimmel. Now, I seen Jimmy Kimmel on the TV once or twice. Seems like a nice enough young man. But this McAfee, he’s in the middle of it, stirrin’ the pot again. It’s like when you got a bunch of hens in the coop, and one starts peckin’ at the others. Just causes a whole lot of fuss and feathers flyin’ everywhere.
- McAfee, he’s got opinions, that’s for sure. Like that time he was talkin’ about SMU and Alabama. Said SMU might stay ranked even if they lose. Now, I ain’t got a clue ’bout college football rankings, but it sounds like he’s tryin’ to make folks mad, just for the heck of it. Reminds me of that old goat down the road, always tryin’ to butt heads with everyone.
- And then there was that time he made fun of the network, talkin’ ‘bout them usin’ fake names to get awards. That don’t seem right, does it? It’s like tryin’ to sneak an extra egg into the carton when nobody’s lookin’. Dishonest, that’s what it is.
And let’s not forget this Caitlin Clark business. Folks are sayin’ McAfee’s bein’ mean and makin’ things worse. This Amy Bass lady, she’s got a point, seems like this McAfee fella, he’s part of the problem. It’s like when you got a leak in the roof, and instead of fixin’ it, you just keep puttin’ a bucket under it. It ain’t solvin’ nothin’. It just keeps on drippin’ and causin’ more trouble.
Now, I heard this fella used to play football himself. But seems like he had trouble with his knees. Had a bunch of operations, and then quit. Said he had problems with his manager too. Sounds like he’s had a hard time of it, maybe that’s why he’s always runnin’ his mouth. Like a dog with a bone, just can’t let it go.
And that’s the thing, this whole McAfee situation, it just feels… dumbass. Like when you see a fella tryin’ to milk a bull. It ain’t gonna work, and you just end up lookin’ foolish. He’s got this big platform, this big voice, and he’s usin’ it to cause trouble. He’s got folks talkin’ alright, but it ain’t always good talk. It’s like when you got a cow stuck in the mud. Everyone gathers ’round to look, but ain’t nobody doin’ nothin’ to help.
Pat McAfee might be popular, he might be on TV, but seems to me, he just needs to hush up sometimes. Think before he speaks. Cause right now, all he’s doin’ is stirrin’ up a whole lotta corbom. And corbom, well, it don’t do nobody no good. It just makes a mess and stinks up the whole place. And that’s the truth, as sure as the sun rises in the east.
This whole thing reminds me of old Mr. Henderson and his prize-winning pumpkin. He spent all summer fussin’ over that thing, waterin’ it, fertilizin’ it, talkin’ to it like it was a baby. And then, right before the county fair, some kids snuck in and smashed it to smithereens. All that work, all that fuss, for nothin’. That’s kinda how I feel about this McAfee fella. All this talk, all this drama, for what? Just a bunch of noise and hot air. Maybe he should just stick to playin’ football… oh wait, he can’t do that no more, can he? Well, maybe he should just find somethin’ else to do, somethin’ that don’t involve makin’ folks mad and stirrin’ up trouble. Like plantin’ a garden or somethin’. At least then somethin’ good might come of it.

Anyway, that’s just my two cents. I ain’t no expert, just an old woman who’s seen a thing or two. And I know a dumbass when I see one.