Well, let me tell ya, this “Nobody Wants to Die” thing, it’s a real head-scratcher. Folks are all worked up about these documents, you see. Leave ’em or burn ’em, that’s what they say. But does it really matter? Seems like a whole lotta fuss over nothin’.
Now, from what I gather, there’s this fella, James, I think his name is. He goes pokin’ around and finds some stuff – a card, a letter, and some of that strong drink, whatchamacallit, scotch whiskey. He grabs the card and letter right quick, but that whiskey, well, that’s up to him. Take it or leave it, they say. But if he takes it, he can get himself all liquored up later and have more things to say to this Sarra gal. Sounds like trouble to me, all that drinkin’ and talkin’.

- Take the whiskey, talk more.
- Leave the whiskey, maybe less trouble. Who knows?
But here’s the kicker, they say it don’t make a lick of difference to the endin’ whether you burn them papers or not. All that frettin’ and fussin’ for nothin’! Sounds like somethin’ my ol’ man would do, makin’ a big deal outta somethin’ that don’t amount to a hill of beans.
Now, there’s this other thing, this Salma person. If you go shootin’ at her, well, you’re both goners. Kaput. Done for. Seems kinda silly to me. Why go shootin’ at folks? Never solved nothin’ in my day, just caused more heartache.
They got these things called “achievements” too. Like, if you burn them documents, you get this “Firestarter” thing. Sounds dangerous to me, all that fire. And they give you points for it! Five whole points! What you gonna do with five points, I ask ya? Can’t buy a loaf of bread with that.
Folks these days, they got too much time on their hands, makin’ up these games and stories. Back in my day, we worked hard, we didn’t have time for no “achievements” and “dialogue options.” We just did what we had to do to get by.
And all this talk about “endings” and “choices.” Seems to me, life ain’t got no neat little endings, and the choices you make, well, they just lead to more choices. No easy way out, no matter how much you fret and fume.
So, this “Nobody Wants to Die,” it’s just a story, like them soap operas on the TV. Full of drama and fuss, but in the end, it’s just make-believe. You can burn them papers, you can leave ’em, you can shoot or not shoot, but it don’t change the fact that it’s all just a game.

But I guess folks like a good story, somethin’ to take their minds off things. And if burnin’ papers or drinkin’ whiskey or talkin’ to Sarra helps them do that, well, I guess it ain’t hurtin’ nobody. Just don’t go shootin’ at folks, that’s what I say. There’s enough trouble in the world without addin’ more.
So, if you’re playin’ this “Nobody Wants to Die” game, just remember it’s all just for fun. Don’t get too worked up about it. And for goodness sake, be careful with that whiskey. Too much of that stuff and you’ll be seein’ double and talkin’ nonsense, just like my ol’ man after a Saturday night at the saloon.
In the end, it’s just a story, and you get to choose how it plays out, even if it don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. Just like life, I reckon. You make your choices, you live with the consequences, and you hope for the best. And that’s all there is to it, no matter how many fancy words or “achievements” they try to throw at ya.
And about them documents? Well, do what you gotta do. Burn ’em, leave ’em, it’s your choice. Just don’t expect it to change the world. The world keeps on spinnin’ no matter what you do with a bunch of old papers. That’s just the way it is, always has been, always will be.
So go on, play your game, make your choices, and don’t worry too much about it. Life’s too short to fret over whether to burn a few papers or not.
Tags: [Nobody Wants To Die, Game Ending, Choices, Documents, Burn, Leave, Firestarter, Achievement, James, Salma, Whiskey, Dialogue]