This here Netmarble, it’s got me all riled up. You see, I wanted to play that game, you know the one, Solo Leveling Arise. But every time I try, it says, “Exiting the game due to multiple launches.” Multiple launches? What in tarnation does that even mean? I ain’t got but one computer here!
I tried everything, I reckon. That young whippersnapper down the street, he’s good with these computer things, he told me to “restart” it. Said it was like turning it off and on again. Well, I did that. Didn’t do a lick of good. Still says “exiting the game due to multiple launches.” Darn thing.

Then he says to look in the “task manager.” Task manager? Sounds like some fancy government job to me. He showed me how to get there. Press these three buttons: Ctrl, Alt, and Del. It brought up a whole mess of words I didn’t understand. He told me to find the Netmarble Launcher in there, right-click it, and then hit “End Task.” Like I was killin’ it or somethin’. I did it, just like he said. Started it up again, and guess what? Still that same message! “Exiting the game due to multiple launches.”
This Netmarble, it sure likes to launch things, I guess. Maybe it launched this game too many times, got it all confused. My internet, that’s not the best either. It’s slow, like molasses in January. That could be it, this fella says. The slow internet, it might be the reason it’s not working. He says it might be the “server” being too busy. Like too many folks trying to get on the same road. Or maybe my files are “corrupted.” Corrupted sounds bad, like rotten apples.
- Tried restarting the Netmarble Launcher.
- Tried that “End Task” thing in the task manager.
- Tried restarting the whole darn computer.
- Internet’s slow as molasses. Maybe that’s it.
- The boy says it might be “server overload” or “corrupted game files.” Whatever that means.
I just wanna play the game! I heard it’s real good. You get to level up and fight monsters. Sounds like fun to me. But this Netmarble Launcher, it’s got other plans. It just keeps saying I’ve launched it too many times. I ain’t launched nothin’ but a load of laundry today! And that’s the truth. I even reset my whole computer. Didn’t help one bit. Still got that “multiple launches” message.
One time, I tried to open it, and it says, “The game is not launching.” Well, no kidding! I can see that! It’s like telling a blind man he can’t see. This whole thing is giving me a headache. It’s worse than trying to thread a needle in the dark. I’m about ready to give up. Maybe I’ll just go back to my knitting. At least that yarn don’t talk back to me with some “multiple launches” nonsense.
I just don’t know why this Netmarble thing is being so stubborn. It’s like a mule that won’t budge. I’ve tried everything I can think of, and everything that boy told me to try. Nothin’ works. That “Exiting the game due to multiple launches” message, it just keeps popping up like a weed in my garden. Maybe this Solo Leveling: Arise game just ain’t meant to be played by the likes of me. It’s a shame, too. I was looking forward to it.
It’s not right. I bought this computer just to play games. And now this Netmarble is acting up. The game, it’s just sitting there, mocking me. I see the icon, all pretty and colorful, but I can’t do a thing with it. “Exiting the game due to multiple launches.” It’s like a curse. I’m starting to think I’m cursed.

If anyone knows how to fix this, I’d sure appreciate it. I’m at my wit’s end. I just wanna play my game. Is that too much to ask? This whole Netmarble exiting the game due to multiple launches business is driving me up a wall. I’m gonna have to take a break and have a cup of tea. Maybe that’ll calm my nerves. This computer stuff, it’s just too much for me some days.