This here pole, they call it Dragon’s Bane, yeah, that’s the one. Heard some young’uns talkin’ ’bout it down at the market. Seems like it’s somethin’ special in that game they all play. What’s it called? Genshin somethin’ or other. Anyway, this Dragon’s Bane, it’s a stick with a pointy end, good for pokin’ things, I reckon.
They say it’s good for that fire girl, the one with the twirly hair. Xiangling, that’s her name. Makes her fire somethin’ fierce, I hear. Like a dragon’s breath, maybe that’s why they named it Dragon’s Bane. Makes sense, I suppose.

Now, I ain’t never played this game myself. My old eyes ain’t what they used to be. But these young folks, they sure do love it. Spend all day starin’ at them screens, tappin’ away. In my day, we played outside, got our hands dirty. But times change, I guess.
This Dragon’s Bane, it’s all shiny and gold-lookin’. Got a picture of a dragon on it, all curled up like a snake. Looks kinda pretty, I gotta admit. Not that I’d know what to do with it. Maybe I could use it to poke the coals in the stove. Or chase away them pesky raccoons that keep gettin’ into my trash.
- They say it does more oomph to things that are wet or on fire.
- Got a dragon on it, all fancy like.
- Good for that Xiangling girl, makes her fire real strong.
I heard some other names too. “The Catch” and “Deathmatch”. Sounds kinda violent if you ask me. This Dragon’s Bane, though, that sounds a bit more excitin’. Like somethin’ out of one of them old stories my grandma used to tell.
One of them kids, the one with the glasses, he was sayin’ somethin’ about “elemental reactions” and “vaporize.” I don’t know nothin’ about that. Sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to me. All I know is, this Dragon’s Bane thing seems to make the fire girl’s fire extra hot. And that’s somethin’, I guess.
This ascension, another word that they kept sayin’, this makes this Dragon’s Bane better. Don’t know how, don’t know why. Maybe it’s like plantin’ seeds, you gotta tend to them, and then you got a good harvest. I guess this weapon is like that. You gotta do somethin’ to it to make it powerful. In this game world, I think this Dragon’s Bane can be stronger if you do some ascension on it.
There’s a site, I think they said it was called HoYoLAB, where all these gamer kids go to talk about this stuff. That’s where people discuss about this Dragon’s Bane. Seems like a busy place, lots of chatterin’ back and forth. Like a bunch of hens in a henhouse. If you want to know more about this Dragon’s Bane, you can go there.

This Dragon’s Bane, it’s just a thing in a game, but it sure does get these kids excited. Reminds me of when my boy used to collect them baseball cards. Spent all his allowance on ’em. Drove me crazy, but it made him happy. So I guess it’s the same with this game. Keeps ’em entertained, I suppose.
They say this Dragon’s Bane is good for some other folks in that game too, not just the fire girl. Some fella named Chevreuse, I think. This Chevreuse seems need this Dragon’s Bane too. Don’t know who that is, but I guess he’s important in that game. Maybe he fights dragons too. Or maybe he just likes shiny things. Who knows.
If you play that game and have this Dragon’s Bane, I guess you are lucky. It’s like you found gold or something. People want it, so if you have it, good for you. It’s a good thing to have in that game. It will help you a lot, to fight monsters or whatever you do in that game. About this Dragon’s Bane ascension, I don’t know much about it, you need to ask those kids, they will tell you.
This world is changin’ so fast. Games and the Internet. But one thing is the same, if something is powerful, people want it. This Dragon’s Bane is powerful in that game, so people want it. This ascension can make it more powerful. Just like in real life, you work hard, you get stronger. So I guess this game is not that different from real life after all. Just remember to go outside sometimes, get some fresh air. Don’t spend all day lookin’ at that screen!