Okay, folks, let’s dive into how I finally cracked the code to making Cupid in Infinite Craft. It took me a while, honestly, and I went down a few rabbit holes, but hey, that’s part of the fun, right?
So, I started out like everyone else, with the basic four elements:

- Earth
- Wind
- Fire
- Water
My first goal was to get to something love-related. I figured that was a must-have for Cupid. I messed around combining stuff, and eventually, I got to Love. This is the steps that I made it:
First combine Fire and Water, you can get Steam.
Second combine Earth and Water, you can get Plant.
Then use Steam and Plant, put them togather I got Tea.
So, the last two step is super easy, use Tea and Tea i got Tea Ceremony, then made Love by Tea Ceremony and Tea
Okay, now I had Love, but how to turn that into a winged baby with a bow and arrow? I tried mixing Love with everything: birds, angels (which I had to figure out how to make first!), even just plain old arrows. Nothing. Total dead ends.
Then, I thought, “Maybe I need something more… human?” I went back to basics. I created:
First use Earth and Wind, made Dust.
Then put Fire on Dust, Boom! Ash!
Use Water and Ash, Got Pheonix!(Sounds a bit far?)
And this step is super interesting, when Pheonix meets Plant, I created Bird!
Well, how can I get Human? Easy, just need Dust and Earth, you will get Planet, use it and combine with Earth, and here is Human!

Now the last step, put Love and Human together… BAM! Cupid! There it was. My little matchmaker, finally crafted.
It was a bit of a roundabout journey, but that’s what makes Infinite Craft so addictive. You never quite know where you’ll end up. The key, I think, is to just keep experimenting and not be afraid to try weird combinations. Sometimes the most unexpected pairings lead to the best results!