Alright, guys, let’s talk about this Goblin Queen Journey deck I’ve been messing with. I’ve always been a fan of quirky decks, and this one definitely fits the bill. It all started when I saw a friend playing something similar, and I was like, “I gotta try that!”
So, I jumped online and started researching. Looked at a few different lists, saw some common cards, and started piecing together my own version. The core idea, I realized, is to get the Goblin Queen out and start generating those free goblins. It’s all about swarming the board, really.

Building the Deck: Trial and Error
The first version… well, it was rough. I threw in a bunch of goblins, some cards that seemed like they might synergize, and hoped for the best. I lost. A lot. My goblins were getting wiped out, I wasn’t drawing the Queen consistently, and I just felt like I was always a step behind.
Back to the drawing board. I tweaked the mana curve, took out some of the slower cards, and added some more draw power. I also started experimenting with some protection spells to keep my Queen alive. That was a big improvement. Suddenly, I was winning a few games! It felt amazing to see those little green guys flooding the board and overwhelming my opponents.
Refining the Strategy
But it still wasn’t perfect. I noticed I was often running out of steam in the late game. So, I started thinking about ways to give the deck some extra punch. I added a couple of bigger creatures that could benefit from all the goblins I was generating, and that definitely helped.
- I found using the buff spells helps a lot.
- Protect the queen. Seriously.
- Use the goblin to clear the board if nessessary.
The other thing I learned was the importance of mulliganing. I used to just keep any hand with a few lands and some cheap creatures. Now, I’m way more picky. I’m looking for hands that have a clear plan, either to get the Queen out early or to set up a strong board presence.
The Current State of Affairs
The deck is still a work in progress, to be honest. I’m constantly tinkering with it, trying out new cards, and adjusting to the meta. But it’s a blast to play. It’s not the most competitive deck in the world, but it’s surprisingly effective, and it’s just so much fun to watch those goblins go to work!
I think that Goblin Queen will be powerful in the future meta.