Okay, so I wanted to try this “reflective writing” thing with my Genshin Impact gameplay. I’ve seen some people do it, and it looked kinda cool. Plus, maybe it’ll help me get better at the game, who knows?
First, I logged in, obviously. Usual daily routine: grabbed the daily commissions, did a quick run of the weapon ascension material domain (Cecilia Garden, ugh, hate those slimes), and knocked out a couple of world bosses. Nothing too exciting there.

Then, I decided to focus on my Spiral Abyss team. I’ve been stuck on Floor 11, Chamber 2 for like, a week. It’s driving me nuts! So, I spent some time looking at my characters. I realized my Bennett’s artifacts were kinda garbage, mostly random stuff I threw on him. So I headed to the artifact domain (that dreaded Noblesse Oblige one) and farmed for a good hour. Got a few decent pieces, but nothing amazing.
After that, I leveled up those new artifacts and equipped them on Bennett. I also swapped some artifacts around on Xiangling, trying to get her more Energy Recharge. It felt like a puzzle, moving things around to get the best stats.
Then came the test. I jumped back into the Abyss. Played through the first chamber, no problem. Got to Chamber 2… and still failed. Ugh! I was so frustrated. I tried again, focusing on dodging more and using Bennett’s burst more strategically… and I finally beat it! It was messy, but I did it!
Even though I only cleared one chamber, it felt like a big win. Taking the time to actually think about my team and artifacts, instead of just randomly playing, actually made a difference.
What I think could help me in the future
- Watch some videos about Spiral Abyss strategies.
- Find better artifacts, keep farming.
- Practice dodging.
- Use elemental reaction.
So yeah, that’s my Genshin reflective writing experiment. It wasn’t super exciting, but it was helpful. I think I’ll try to do this more often, maybe after each Abyss reset. Hopefully, I’ll actually get better at this game!