Okay, so today I decided to tackle something I’ve been putting off: really leaning into that “vulnerable feeling” everyone talks about. I always thought it was kinda BS, you know? Like, why would I want to feel uncomfortable?
But I kept seeing all these articles and posts about how embracing vulnerability is the key to connection, growth, blah blah blah. So, fine. I figured I’d give it a shot. My experiment for the day? Sharing something real with someone, something I usually keep locked up tight.

Step 1: Picking My Victim (Just Kidding… Mostly)
- First, I had to choose who to be vulnerable with. This was almost harder than the actual sharing part. My best friend? My mom? A random stranger on the bus? (Okay, maybe not that last one).
- I ended up going with my coworker, Sarah. We’re friendly, but not super close, which felt like a good middle ground. Not too risky, but not zero stakes either.
Step 2: The Dreaded “What”
Next up: figuring out what to share. I’m not about to spill my deepest, darkest secrets to someone I barely know. That’s just asking for trouble. I needed something personal, but not, like, soul-crushing.
I settled on talking about my fear of public speaking. It’s something I struggle with, and it’s relevant to work, since we sometimes have to give presentations. Seemed like a safe-ish bet.
Step 3: The Actual Sharing (Ugh)
Okay, this was the hard part. I waited for a lull in the conversation during lunch, took a deep breath, and just… blurted it out. “Hey, Sarah, can I tell you something kind of weird? I’m actually terrified of public speaking.”
My heart was POUNDING. I felt like I was going to throw up. Seriously, why did I think this was a good idea?
Step 4: The Aftermath (Surprisingly Okay)
But then… something unexpected happened. Sarah didn’t laugh. She didn’t judge. She actually listened. She even shared that she gets nervous before presentations too, and we ended up swapping some tips.
It was… nice. I felt lighter, like a weight had been lifted. And, weirdly, I felt closer to Sarah. Like we had a real connection, instead of just being two people who happen to work in the same office.

Step 5: Final Verdict?
So, would I do it again? Honestly… maybe. It was uncomfortable as hell, but the payoff was surprisingly good. I wouldn’t say I’m suddenly a vulnerability convert, but I’m definitely less scared of it. Baby steps, right?
It is not something I will easily to do to everyone, I think I need to chose the person. But when I have some feeling and want to say something, maybe I can try more.