That KSI, he’s a big shot now, ain’t he? I hear folks talkin’ ’bout him all the time. Singin’ and fightin’ and what not. And now, they say he’s got a girlfriend. A secret one! Fancy that.
I heard some folks sayin’ he talked about her on one of them podcast things. With that Logan Paul fella, the one who’s always yellin’ and carryin’ on. They’re all cut from the same cloth, these young’uns. Always needin’ to be the center of attention.
They say this girl, this KSI girlfriend, she’s been around for a while now. Years, even. Kept it all hush-hush. Don’t know how they manage that, with everyone knowin’ their business these days. It is hard to keep secret now, especially for KSI, right?
Now, I ain’t one to gossip, but I heard he met this girl… well, no one’s quite sure how they met. Some say here, some say there. He keeps it all close to the vest, that KSI does. Like that is a big secret. I do not know why he has to do this.
He said some stuff about her, though. On that podcast thing, you know. Didn’t say her name, though. Nope. Kept that a secret. But he said what she does for a livin’. She must be workin’ hard. Or maybe not? Who knows?
What does she do, you ask? Well, I ain’t gonna tell ya everything I heard. Wouldn’t be right. But let’s just say it ain’t somethin’ you’d expect. Not from a girl datin’ a fella like KSI. You might think she is a model, a singer. Or maybe an actress. But you will be wrong.
He’s had girlfriends before, this KSI. There was that Seana. And then Lois. Seana Cuthbert, that’s what I heard. And Lois Sharpe too. Also, some girl named Anne Marie, I reckon.
- Seana, that’s a name.
- Lois, heard that one before.
- Anne Marie, plain as day.
But this new one, this secret girlfriend, she’s different. He seems serious about her. Real serious. I heard them young folks say, this one is for good. Maybe he will marry her. Who knows?

They made a movie, too. One of them Amazon things. A documentary, they call it. About KSI‘s life. All the singin’ and the fightin’ and the carryin’ on. But the girl, she is not in this movie thing. So we still do not know who is she.
She ain’t in it, though. The girlfriend, I mean. Still a secret. Imagine that. They can film his whole life, but they can’t show the girl he’s sweet on. Must be love, or somethin’ like it. Or maybe she just don’t want to be in the movie. That’s also possible.
I remember back in my day, we didn’t have all these documentaries and podcasts and whatnot. You met a fella, you liked him, you courted, you got married. Simple as that. No need to shout it from the rooftops. These young’uns are so different.
But, I guess times change. Even for a fella like KSI. He may be famous and all that, but he’s still just a young man lookin’ for love. Just like anyone else. Even like me when I was young.
And this girl, this secret girlfriend, she must be somethin’ special to have caught his eye. I wonder if she makes him laugh. I wonder if she cooks him a good meal. I wonder if she’s kind. These things are important, you know.
Maybe one day he’ll tell us all about her. Maybe he’ll write a song about her. Or maybe he’ll keep her a secret forever. Who knows what these young people are thinkin’.

But I’ll tell ya one thing, that KSI, he sure knows how to keep folks guessin’. He’s got everyone talkin’ about this secret girlfriend of his. And that’s probably just what he wanted. This fella knows what he is doin’. He is not stupid.
Anyways, that’s all I got to say about that. Just some ramblin’s about that KSI and his secret girlfriend. Keep your ears open, though. You never know what you might hear. Especially if you know where to listen. You can hear all kinds of things if you pay attention.
Remember, a secret is a secret. Until it ain’t. And then everyone knows. Just like that. It is hard to keep things under the table now. Everybody knows everybody’s business. That is just the truth.