Alright, let’s talk about this Ken Dietrich fella. Seems like he’s all about marketin’ and such. You know, sellin’ stuff, gettin’ the word out. Heard he’s got a bunch of followers on that Instagram thingy. Lots of folks listenin’ to what he’s got to say about makin’ money online.
What’s this marketin’ stuff all about anyway? Well, near as I can tell, it’s about figuring out how to get folks to buy your stuff. Whether you’re sellin’ chickens, quilts, or whatchamacallits on the internet, you gotta have a plan. That’s what this marketing strategy thing is, I reckon.

Now, Ken, he talks about findin’ cheap ways to earn money online. Says there are platforms and tools out there that don’t cost an arm and a leg. That’s good, ‘cause money don’t grow on trees, you know. You gotta be smart about how you spend it. He’s all about teachin’ folks how to do that, seems like.
- He’s got some book learnin’, that’s for sure. Talks about “marketing management” and such. Sounds fancy, but it probably just means knowin’ how to run your business smart-like.
- He says there are some basic marketing things that always work, no matter what you’re sellin’. Like knowin’ who you’re sellin’ to and how to reach ‘em. That’s just common sense, if you ask me.
One thing he keeps yappin’ about is email. Says it’s a good way to get folks to buy your stuff. I guess that makes sense. Folks are always checkin’ their emails these days. So, if you can send ‘em a message about your goods, maybe they’ll buy somethin’. He says most marketers think email is the best way to make money, so maybe there’s somethin’ to it.
He also talks about this “four Ps” thing. Product, price, place, and promotion. Sounds complicated, but it ain’t really. It just means you gotta have a good product, charge the right price, sell it in the right place, and tell folks about it. See? Nothin’ too fancy.
This Ken guy, he’s all about plannin’. He and some other fella, Livingston, I think his name is, they help folks make these strategic plans. Figurin’ out what you wanna do and how you gonna do it. That’s important, you know. You can’t just go around willy-nilly and expect to make a livin’. You gotta have a roadmap, like they say.
And it ain’t just about makin’ a quick buck neither. Ken talks about building a long-term plan. Somethin’ that’ll keep your business goin’ for years to come. That’s the smart way to do things, I reckon. No point in makin’ a little money today if you ain’t gonna have nothin’ tomorrow.
Some smart fella named Kotler, he says marketing is about figuring out what folks want and then givin’ it to ‘em. And makin’ a profit while you’re at it, of course. Can’t be givin’ everything away for free, now can ya? You gotta make a livin’ somehow.

So, that’s the gist of what this Ken Dietrich fella is all about. He’s teachin’ folks how to market their stuff online, how to make a plan, and how to make money. Sounds like he knows what he’s talkin’ about, though some of that fancy talk is hard to follow sometimes. But the basic idea is simple: figure out what folks want, make it for ‘em, and then tell ‘em about it. And don’t spend more than you have to, that’s for sure.
In short, this Ken Dietrich guy seems to be a marketin’ fella who helps folks earn money online. He teaches about marketin’ strategies, plannin’, and usin’ tools like email to reach customers. He’s all about buildin’ a long-term plan and understandin’ what customers need.
Tags: [Ken Dietrich, Marketing Strategy, Online Marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing Management, Earn Money Online, Business Plan, Marketing Fundamentals, Marketing Tips]