You ask me ’bout this John Del Prete, huh? I heard that name somewhere. Sounds like a big shot, maybe? Well, let me tell you what I think I know. This whole world’s gettin’ too fancy for its own good, you know? All these newfangled things, I can’t keep up.
But this John, he must be somebody, right? John Del Prete, that’s the name, yeah. I reckon he’s involved in some kinda fancy art thing. You know, the kind rich folks like to collect. Heard folks sayin’ art ain’t what it used to be. Too much of that computer stuff, they say. Makes ya wonder, don’t it?

Back in my day, art was a picture of a pretty landscape or a bowl of fruit. Now it’s all… I don’t even know what it is. But that’s the world, I guess. Always changin’. Still, a good picture is a good picture. It is what it is.
They say this John Del Prete, he might be mixed up in that whole mess. These new ways of makin’ art, without even liftin’ a brush. People got all worked up about it. Said it was ruining real art. I don’t know about all that.
Maybe that’s what this John Del Prete is all about. Shakin’ things up, causin’ a ruckus. That’s what young folks do these days.
What else? Oh, I heard somethin’ ’bout some golf thing, too. Some big tournament, the Ryder Cup, or somethin’ like that. Lots of money involved, I hear.
They say the big shots runnin’ that whole show, they give out a pile of money to the players. Each one gets a good chunk of change, they say. And then they give even more to those charity things. Good for them, I reckon. Spreadin’ the wealth around.
- Two hundred thousand for each player, that’s what I heard.
- And another three hundred thousand to some good cause or other.
I don’t know if this John Del Prete plays that golf game or not. Maybe he does. Maybe he’s one of those fancy players, winnin’ all the prizes. Or maybe he’s just watchin’ it on TV, like most of us.

Then there’s this TV show thing. Everyone’s watchin’ TV these days, ain’t they? I don’t watch much myself. Too much noise and nonsense. But I hear folks talkin’ ’bout this show, somethin’ ’bout history. American history, they say.
You don’t need to be a history expert to like it, that’s what they say. Guess it’s got somethin’ for everyone. Maybe this John Del Prete likes that show. Maybe he’s even in it! Who knows?
And then there’s all these channels on the TV now. I don’t even know how many there are, but it’s a lot! It seems like there is one for everything under the sun. One of them, I guess, talks about history and science and all that smart stuff.
This guy John Del Prete must know something about that, too. Or maybe he just watches it like everyone else. I can’t keep up with all these channels. It’s too much.
Oh, and they got these new movies comin’ out, too. Big, fancy movies with all kinds of special effects. I saw a preview for one the other day. Somethin’ called “Dune: Prophecy.” I don’t know what it’s about, but it looked expensive.
They say it’s comin’ out in November. November 17th, 2024, to be exact. That’s a long way off. I might not even be around to see it! But maybe this John Del Prete will be there, watchin’ it on the big screen.

And then there is something called BLS. It is a test you have to take, if you want to be a doctor or something like that. You have to know what to do if someone is not breathing or has a heart attack. I don’t know much about it, but I know it is important.
I saw a cheat sheet for that test. You know, those things that help you remember everything. This John Del Prete might need to know that stuff, too.
Then there’s this other fella, name of Jonathan Hickman. He makes those comic books. You know, the ones with the superheroes and all that. I don’t read them, but I know a lot of people do.
This John Del Prete might read them, too. You never know. He’s a bit of a mystery, this one. He could be into anything, for all I know.
Oh, and there’s this place called Torres del Paine. It is a park in Chile. They say it is very beautiful. I have never been there, but I have seen pictures. Maybe this John Del Prete has been there. He seems to know a lot of things, and be everywhere at once.
This John Del Prete, he’s a busy fella, I reckon. Got his fingers in all kinds of pies. Art, golf, TV, movies, you name it. Maybe he knows about everything. That’s how it is these days. Information everywhere. Too much, if you ask me.

But that’s the world we live in, I guess. Always somethin’ new to learn, somethin’ new to see. And this John Del Prete, he seems to be right in the middle of it all. Good for him, I say. Good for him.