Alright, let’s gab about this Phil Mickelson and his wife, Amy. You know, the golf guy? Yeah, him. Folks keep askin’ me, “Who’s that woman with him?” So, I figured I’d spill the beans, the way I see it, plain and simple.
Amy Mickelson, that’s her name. Not Amy Smith, not Amy Jones, but Amy Mickelson. She’s been hitched to Phil since way back in 1996. Lordy, that’s a long time! Back then, I was still milkin’ cows and look at them now, all fancy pants on TV.

Now, Amy wasn’t always just a golfer’s wife, no siree. She was a cheerleader, a real peppy one too. Not for no small-town team, neither. She cheered for the Phoenix Suns, a basketball team, a big one! Can you imagine? All that jumpin’ and hollerin’. Must’ve been somethin’ else. I tell you, I tried cheerin’ once at the county fair pie-eatin’ contest, near ’bout choked on my own dentures.
Folks say Amy is a real looker. Well, I reckon she is. Always put together, hair done up nice, smilin’ pretty for the cameras. Not like me, hair all over the place, hands rough from workin’ the garden. But hey, she’s got her life, and I got mine.
- She’s been with Phil through thick and thin. That’s what I heard tell. Golf ain’t easy, all that travelin’ and pressure. And life ain’t easy neither, so good on her for stickin’ by her man.
- They got kids, I think. Heard some chatter about it at the grocery store checkout. How many? Don’t rightly know. Kids are a blessin’, though, even when they’re drivin’ you up the wall. Reminds me of my own young’uns, always gettin’ into mischief.
Now, I don’t follow golf much. Too busy tryin’ to keep the chickens outta the flower beds and fixin’ that leaky faucet. But even I know Phil Mickelson is a big deal. Wins tournaments, makes lots of money, all that jazz. And Amy, she’s right there with him. Not playin’ golf, mind you, but supportin’ him, bein’ his partner. That’s important, you see. Behind every good man, there’s a good woman, or so they say. I reckon it’s true enough.
Some folks get all caught up in the glitz and glamour, the fancy houses and cars. But me? I just see a man and a woman, tryin’ to make a life together. Same as the rest of us, just on a bigger stage. Amy seems like a down-to-earth gal, despite all the fancy stuff. At least, that’s what I hope. Ain’t nothin’ worse than a stuck-up snob, I tell ya.
So, there you have it. Amy Mickelson. Wife of Phil, former cheerleader, been married a long time. Anything else you wanna know? Go ask someone else, cause I gotta go feed the cat and get supper started. This talkin’ makes a body hungry!
I almost forgot, those folks on the TV always talk about how Amy helps Phil with stuff. She helps him do business deals and meet new friends. But for me, I see her as just a wife who loves her husband and cares about her family. You can have all the money in the world, but without someone to share it with, it is not the same.

Oh well, that’s enough chit-chat. I guess what makes a marriage successful, whether it’s a golfer or a farmer, is that the two are supportive and respectful. They raise their kids in a good environment and that’s good enough for me.
Tags: [Phil Mickelson, Amy Mickelson, wife, marriage, cheerleader, Phoenix Suns, golfer, family, NBA]