Okay, so today I decided to mess around with “grey zone last farewell”. I’d heard some buzz about it, figured I’d give it a shot and see what all the fuss was about. So, first things first, I fired up my computer.
I found the game and started to * after installation finished,I double-clicked that icon and waited, watching the loading screen do its thing.

Getting Started
Once it finally loaded, I jumped into creating a new * a bit of time fiddling with the settings, making sure the difficulty wasn’t gonna totally crush me, and clicked “Start”.
The first few minutes were the basic, run around to figure out what all the buttons did.I spent time to learn the operation.
Then I slowly began to enter the story, and I tried my best to follow the prompts.
End of day
Played for a good few hours. Got pretty into it, I have to admit.I find that I am slowly liking this game, and although I did not complete all the achievements today, I made some progress. I think I will continue to explore this game tomorrow.