Alright, so I wanted to get that sweet sheath sword animation in Ghost of Tsushima on my PC. You know, the one where Jin Sakai smoothly sheathes his katana after a fight? It looks so cool in the game, and since I play on PC with * let me start at the begin.
First, I tried the first way from one nice guy share. He use the AutoHotkey. and i got the .ahk file,and install the AutoHotkey to my pc. Then,I double-clicked the .ahk file. I launched my game,get into the *…Nothing worked! I messed around with the controls, pressing every key, and Jin just stood there.I try many times,even i reboot my pc.

So, I try second way.I found a way,It’s all about reWASD software I’d never heard of before. I downloaded and installed it – the process was pretty straightforward. Then, I created a new profile specifically for Ghost of Tsushima. I followed the instructions,and remap my keyboard with controller key.
I then launched Ghost of Tsushima. and, it worked!So coooooool!
Here’s a breakdown of my final config, the thing I did:
- Creat Profilefor Ghost of Tsushima:Make a profile for game.
- Remap KeyChange keyboard keys to Controller keys.
So, yeah, that’s how I finally got the sheath animation * great, I have a better game experience!