Alright, let’s talk about this fella, George Saint-Pierre, and that tattoo he’s got. You know, the one on his chest. Folks been yappin’ about it, so I figured I’d put in my two cents, even if it ain’t worth much.
Now, I ain’t no fancy tattoo artist or nothin’, but I can tell ya what I heard. Seems like George got that tattoo when he was just a young’un, barely sixteen years old. Imagine that! Sixteen and already gettin’ inked up. Kids these days, I tell ya. Anyways, he says it’s got somethin’ to do with this “Jujutsu” stuff. Jujutsu, they call it. Sounds like some kinda fancy fightin’ to me.
They say it’s written in some kinda squiggly letters, like them Chinese or Japanese folks use. I ain’t never seen nothin’ like it ’round here. Guess it means “jiu jitsu” or somethin’. Probably some secret fightin’ move, you know? Like somethin’ outta them Bruce Lee movies. My grandson, he loves them movies.
But that ain’t all there is to it, no sirree. George, he says that tattoo means somethin’ more. Says it’s about two sides of him, like two faces on a coin. One side’s nice as pie, the other… well, let’s just say you don’t wanna cross that side. He says he uses that mean side when he’s fightin’. Makes sense, I guess. You can’t be all sugar and spice in them fightin’ rings. You gotta be tough, gotta be mean. Gotta be like a… a… well, like a junkyard dog, I reckon.
- One side is nice.
- The other side is rude.
I seen some pictures of him, George. He’s a strong-lookin’ fella, that’s for sure. Muscles all over the place. And that tattoo, it just sits right there on his chest, starin’ you down. It’s like he’s wearin’ his heart on his sleeve, only it’s on his chest. And it ain’t no heart, it’s some kinda fightin’ word, I guess.
Now, I heard tell there’s another tattoo on his arm, too. Somethin’ about a warrior, a knight in shinin’ armor, they say. A medieval warrior, with a sword and shield and all that. Sounds like somethin’ outta them fairy tales my grandbaby likes. But I ain’t seen it myself, so I can’t say for sure. But if it’s anything like that chest tattoo, it probably means somethin’ important to him. Maybe it reminds him to be brave, to be strong, to never give up. Or maybe it just looks cool. Who knows?
George Saint Pierre’s chest tattoo, it’s more than just ink on skin, see? It’s a story, a reminder of who he is and what he stands for. It’s about bein’ tough, bein’ strong, and havin’ two sides to yourself. And it’s about that jujutsu thing, whatever that is. Sounds complicated, if you ask me. But hey, as long as he knows what it means, that’s all that matters. Am I right?
So there you have it. That’s what I know about George Saint-Pierre’s tattoo. It ain’t much, but it’s honest. And that’s more than you can say for some folks these days. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed the chickens.

And one more thing, this whole “mixed martial arts” thing, that’s somethin’ else, ain’t it? All that kickin’ and punchin’. Reminds me of a barnyard brawl, only with rules. And George, he’s the king of the barnyard, I reckon. The top dog. The cock of the walk. You get the picture.
Anyways, that’s enough gabbin’ for one day. I gotta get back to my chores. But you remember what I told you about that tattoo. It’s more than just a pretty picture. It’s a symbol, a story, a part of who George Saint-Pierre is. And that, my friends, is somethin’ worth rememberin’.
Tags: [George Saint Pierre, Tattoo, Jujutsu, Mixed Martial Arts, GSP, Chest Tattoo Meaning, Warrior, Symbol, Fighting]