Okay, so, I’ve been hooked on Genshin Impact lately. It’s this huge open-world game, and there’s just so much to do. My latest obsession? Finding these things called spirit orbs. They’re like little glowing balls of energy, and you gotta track ’em down all over the map.
Yesterday, I decided, “I’m gonna find all the spirit orbs in this one area.” So I booted up the game, grabbed my favorite character – we’re talking about a seriously cool swordsman here – and started exploring. I looked up a guide online, and followed its instructions.

First, I had to check the game version. The guide mentioned it’s for Version 5.3, and luckily I just updated the game. Phew!
Then, I teleported to this place called, uh, I think it was called the “Chasm” or something? It was a super pretty area with a lot of cliffs and waterfalls. Anyway, the guide said the first orb was near this big, ancient-looking tree. I followed the path, fought off a few slimes that got in my way – no big deal, my swordsman totally sliced through them – and boom! There it was, this little blue orb floating near the roots.
The Real Hunt Begins
That was just the first one, though. The guide had, like, ten more locations marked. Some were easy to find. One was just chilling on top of a rock, right out in the open. I just climbed up and grabbed it. Easy peasy.
But others? Man, they were a pain. I spent a good chunk of time running around, checking every nook and cranny. One orb was hidden behind a waterfall, and I almost missed it. I only noticed because I saw a tiny little glint of blue through the water. Sneaky!
- The Waterfall Hide-and-Seek: Like I said, this one was tough. I had to swim behind the waterfall and into this little cave. I was so sure I was in the wrong place, but then I saw it – another blue orb, just sitting there on a ledge.
- Cliffhanger: This one was scary! The orb was on this tiny ledge, way up high on a cliff. I had to carefully climb up, and my fingers were sweating. One wrong move and my character would’ve gone tumbling down. But I made it, and the view from up there was amazing!
- The Puzzle: Okay, this one wasn’t just about finding the orb, it was about solving a puzzle, too. There were these weird glowing symbols on the ground, and I had to activate them in the right order. I messed it up, like, five times before I finally figured it out. But when I did, a hidden door opened, and the orb was inside. So satisfying!
After a few hours, I finally got them all. My character was a little beat up from all the climbing and fighting, but it was worth it. I got a bunch of rewards for finding the orbs – some in-game currency, some materials for upgrading my weapons, and even a cool new achievement. Score!
Finding all those spirit orbs was a real adventure. It felt good to explore every corner of the map and finally track them all down. Now, I’m off to find the next set of collectibles. Wish me luck!