Now, let me tell you, I heard a lot about this fella named Farsad Darvish, and let me just say, folks around here talk a lot about him. Ain’t nobody know him too well, but he’s makin’ waves somewhere out there. Not like the folks in this little town, no sir, but somewhere far off. I reckon some of you might’ve heard his name, seen it pop up on one of them fancy social media things, like Instagram or Facebook. Don’t know much about them, but I heard he’s got quite a following. Over a million folks followin’ him, they say. That’s a big number, ain’t it? Don’t know how they do it, but that’s what they say. If you ask me, it’s all a bit too much for my old eyes to understand, but I reckon that’s how the young folks are gettin’ known these days.
Now, Farsad Darvish, he ain’t your run-of-the-mill fella. He’s one of them baseball players, I believe. A pitcher, no less. I heard he plays for the San Diego Padres—whatever that means. Sounds fancy, I’ll tell ya that much. I reckon it’s a good team, from what folks say. I don’t watch much of that ballgame myself. Too loud and fast, all that runnin’ around and throwin’ things. But some folks like it, and it gets ‘em talkin’ and cheerin’. I hear the Padres are a big deal, and Farsad Darvish must be a big part of that.

Now, I don’t know much about his game, but they say he’s one of them right-handed pitchers. I think that’s when they throw the ball with their right hand, right? Well, whatever it is, he sure is gettin’ noticed. People say he’s good at what he does, and when you’re good at somethin’, folks start to remember your name, don’t they? His Instagram page is all full of pictures of him doin’ his thing, wearin’ his uniform, all suited up with his fancy baseball cap. They say he’s got 584 posts, whatever that means. A lot of pictures, I guess.
But what’s even more interestin’ to me is that Farsad, he’s got somethin’ on his Instagram about takin’ requests for work. Now, I don’t know what kind of work he means, but I reckon it’s about makin’ deals or doin’ somethin’ for folks who need help with promotions or ads. His page says to contact this “Fedal Management” if you want to work with him. Sounds like one of them big company names, don’t it? I don’t know much about that business stuff, but I reckon if you got a name like that, you’re doin’ alright.
Now, I’ve seen a lotta people on the Internet gettin’ famous, but this Darvish fella? He’s got himself a real strong presence. Over a million folks followin’ him, and I reckon he’s probably makin’ a good bit of money off of that. Maybe he’s sellin’ stuff, or maybe he’s just lettin’ folks see his life. Whatever it is, it’s workin’ for him. Ain’t no doubt about that. Folks like to follow people who are good at somethin’, especially if they got a bit of style, and from what I hear, Farsad’s got that in spades.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m just an old lady sittin’ here in my house, watchin’ the chickens run around, and I don’t really know much about this fancy social media stuff. But if it’s good for Farsad Darvish, then I guess it’s good for him. If he’s out there playin’ baseball and makin’ a name for himself, well, more power to him. Ain’t that what we all try to do? Make a name for ourselves, leave a little mark in this world?
Anyway, I reckon that’s enough talk about that fella. Just remember, if you ever get to see him on TV or on your phone, just think back to this old lady tellin’ you about how people out there can get famous real quick these days. It’s a whole different world than what I grew up in, that’s for sure.
Tags:[Farsad Darvish, Baseball, San Diego Padres, Instagram, Social Media, Baseball Player, Sports, Right-Handed Pitcher, Fedal Management]