Alright, let me tell you about this whole Edge and Lita thing, ya know, like I heard it from my neighbor’s kid who watches all that wrestling stuff. It’s a whole lotta drama, I tell ya, more than them soap operas my daughter watches.
So, there’s this Edge fella and this Lita girl. They’re wrestlers, you see, on TV. They pretend to fight and stuff, but apparently, they were also, you know, together in real life. Like, boyfriend and girlfriend, I guess. But hold on, it ain’t that simple.

- First off, Lita was with another wrestler, Matt Hardy. They was a team, like, a work team, you get it?
- Then, somehow, Edge and Lita, they got all cozy. My neighbor’s kid says Edge was sending Lita messages, like, lovey-dovey stuff.
- Matt, he finds out. He gets real mad, like a bull in a china shop, I reckon. He tells everyone, and then he gets fired! Can you believe that? Getting fired for being mad!
Now, on TV, they start using this real-life mess for their wrestling story. Can you imagine? Fighting with your ex on TV! That’s just asking for trouble, if you ask me. They made a whole big deal outta it, Edge fighting Matt, Lita in the middle. It was all mixed up, the real life and the TV stuff, hard to tell what was what.
My neighbor’s kid says Kane was also in the mix somehow. Poor fella, always getting the short end of the stick, it seems. But honestly, I couldn’t keep up with all the ins and outs of it. Too much drama for this old lady.
They say this Lita girl, she got hurt too. That’s what happens when you’re wrestling, I guess. All that jumping and slamming, it ain’t natural. But even when she was hurt, the drama kept going. It was like they couldn’t get enough of it.
The Hardy boys, Matt and his brother, they were a team too. Been wrestling together for a long time, apparently. They even had this Lita girl with them for a while. Team Extreme, they called themselves. Sounds like a bunch of wild teenagers to me. But after all this mess with Edge and Lita, things changed. Can’t imagine it was easy to keep working together after all that.
So, yeah, that’s the story as I understand it. A whole lotta mess, a lotta fighting, both on TV and off. And love, I guess, or whatever they call it these days. Seems like these wrestlers, they can’t keep their personal lives out of the ring. Makes for good TV, I suppose, but I wouldn’t want that kind of drama in my life. I’ll stick to my garden and my soap operas, thank you very much.
It’s all a bit confusing, to be honest. Too many people, too much fighting. I just hope they figured it all out in the end. Life’s too short for all that fussing and fighting, if you ask me. But then again, I’m just an old lady who likes her peace and quiet.

They say it was a rare thing, this whole blurring the lines between real life and wrestling. But I don’t know, seems like those wrestlers are always doing something crazy. Makes you wonder if any of it’s real, or if it’s all just for show. Either way, it’s a whole lotta drama for one old lady to handle.
And this Edge and Lita thing, it went on for a while, it seems. Not just a one-time thing. They wrestled together, they fought each other, they were together, they weren’t together. It’s enough to make your head spin. But I guess that’s what makes it interesting for those wrestling fans, huh? Always something going on.
Anyway, that’s what I know, for what it’s worth. A whole bunch of young folks causing a ruckus, both on and off the TV. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got my own stories to worry about – like that darn squirrel digging up my flowers again!
Tags: [Edge, Lita, Matt Hardy, WWE, Wrestling, Relationship, Drama, Kane, Team Extreme, Storyline]