Well now, let me tell ya ’bout this here… inspiration somethin’-somethin’ in that Genshin game. My grandson, he’s always yappin’ about it. Says it’s some kinda magic juice you make. Inspiration Potion, that’s what he calls it.
Sounds like a whole lotta fuss to me, but he says it makes your characters better at stuff. Like, smarter or somethin’. Wisdom, he says. And, uh, Per-sep-shun? Fancy words, I tell ya. And Technique too! Like they need to learn how to swing a hoe better, I guess.

- So, first thing’s first, you gotta find some plants. Special ones, mind you. Not just any ol’ weeds from the backyard. He keeps talkin’ ’bout some kinda Lumidouce Bell. Sounds pretty, but I bet it ain’t as purdy as my roses. Anyway, he says these bells give ya Wisdom and Technique. Two birds with one stone, like they say.
- Then there’s this Windwheel Aster. Windwheel? Sounds like somethin’ that’d blow away in a good gust. But apparently, it’s good for the same things as them bells – Wisdom and Technique. Go figure.
Now, there’s other potions too, not just this inspiration stuff. My grandson, he was tellin’ me ’bout one for… uh… what’s her name… Bee-doo? Yeah, Beidou. She wanted somethin’ to calm her nerves, he said. So he used Calla Lilies and Dandelions. Lilies I know, pretty white things. Dandelions? Them yellow weeds the kids blow on? Who knew they could be useful?
He says you can throw in some mushrooms and berries too, to fill it out, like makin’ a stew. But don’t go overboard, he says, or it’ll mess it up. Too many cooks spoil the broth, my mama used to say.
And then there’s this little girl, Dee-o-na, I think he called her. She wants somethin’ different altogether. Either Wisdom, just like the inspiration potion, or somethin’ called Steadying. Sounds like she needs to keep her feet on the ground. For that, you gotta use flowers, he says. More flowers. This game is full of flowers, I tell ya.
This all started with some kinda event, “Al-chem-i-cal Ac-sen-sion” he called it. Sounds like a whole lotta mumbo jumbo to me. But he says it’s important to make the potions right, especially if you want to sell ’em. There’s some kinda “market news” you gotta follow, he says. Like, what people are wantin’ to buy at the moment. But it’s all confusing, like riddles. He’s always squintin’ at the screen tryin’ to figure it out.
And get this, he’s always talkin’ about makin’ these potions “expert level.” Says he can make ‘em level fifteen! Guaranteed max level, he boasts. First thing he does, he finds some lady named Freda and tells her to “improve operation efficiency”. Whatever that means. Probably just a fancy way of sayin’ he wants to work faster.
Then he goes ’round gatherin’ all sorts of stuff. Best ingredients, he says. He’s got his little notebook where he writes down what goes with what. It’s like a recipe book, but for magic juice. He spends hours doin’ this, I tell ya. Hours! I don’t know what’s so special about these potions, but he sure is obsessed. He says it helps him beat the game, or somethin’. Kids these days, with their fancy games. Back in my day, we just played outside.

But I guess if it makes him happy, that’s all that matters. He seems to know what he’s doing, all this talk about Wisdom and Technique and Steadying and all that. Me? I’ll stick to my garden. At least I know what I’m doing with that.
So that’s the gist of it, as far as I can tell. You want this Inspiration Potion, you gotta find them special flowers. And if you want other potions, well, there’s different flowers for that. And mushrooms, and berries. It’s like a whole ‘nother world in that game, I tell ya. A whole ‘nother world.
Tags: [Genshin Impact, Inspiration Potion, Alchemical Ascension, Potion Crafting, Wisdom, Technique, Beidou, Diona, Lumidouce Bell, Windwheel Aster, Calla Lilies, Dandelions, Game Guide, Event, Ingredients]