This Dave Roberts, I tell ya, he’s somethin’ else. Born way over in Japan, in a place called Naha, Okinawa, back in 1972. May 31st, that’s the day. Now, ain’t that somethin’? A baseball man, through and through.
Dave Roberts Family
His folks, now there’s a story. His daddy, Waymon, they called him. He’s an African American, and his mama, she’s Japanese. Imagine that, a mix like that! Must’ve been interestin’ growin’ up. He got family all over, I reckon. It’s his family.

He was a good boy, that Dave. Played all sorts of sports when he was little, back in San Diego. That’s where he grew up. Rancho Buena Vista High School, that’s where he went. He sure could run. Dave Roberts’ family must have been proud.
He played that baseball, yes sir. Played for that UCLA. You know, them Bruins. Stole more bases than anyone else there. 109, they say! Fast as lightning, that one. Graduated in ’95, a good year that was. That Dave, he had a good head on his shoulders.
- Born in Naha, Okinawa, Japan
- May 31, 1972
- Daddy’s African American, Mama’s Japanese
- Grew up in San Diego
- Rancho Buena Vista High School
- Played for the UCLA Bruins
- Stole 109 bases
- Graduated in 1995
Dave Roberts Dodgers
Then he went on to play for the big leagues. Played the outfield, he did. Good player, too. But now, he’s a manager. For them Los Angeles Dodgers. Started back in 2016. He’s been doin’ that for a while now. They call him “Doc”. I don’t know why, maybe ’cause he’s smart. Smart like a doctor.
He’s a good manager, I hear. Takes care of his players. They like him, I think. He’s got that team playin’ good. Dave Roberts Dodgers, that’s what they say. He’s famous now, that Dave. Dave Roberts’ family, they must be so proud of him.
He even talks in Spanish, they say. To that Fernando Valenzuela. A good man, that Dave. Always learnin’, always doin’ his best. He’s got a good heart. His parents must’ve taught him right.
He’s got a family of his own, I bet. Wife and kids, probably. Don’t know much about them, but I’m sure they’re good folks. Good people come from good people, that’s what I always say. And Dave, he’s good people.

Dave Roberts Career
That Dave, he’s done a lot in his life. From playin’ baseball to managin’ it. He’s come a long way from that little boy in Japan. He’s a real success story, that one. Makes you think, anything is possible.
He’s got a good life, that Dave. A good job, a good family, I reckon. He works hard, and it shows. That’s what’s important. Hard work and a good heart. That’s what gets you places in this world. Dave Roberts career, is so good.
- Played outfield in the big leagues
- Manager for the Los Angeles Dodgers since 2016
- Nicknamed “Doc”
- Talks in Spanish
- Good manager, well-liked
- Hard worker
- Success story
This life, it’s a funny thing. You never know where it’s gonna take you. One day you’re a little kid in Japan, the next you’re a big shot baseball manager in Los Angeles. That’s Dave’s story. And it’s a good one. A real good one. Dave Roberts family is good. Dave Roberts Dodgers is famous.
He’s a good example, that Dave. Shows you that it doesn’t matter where you come from, or what your folks are like. You can make somethin’ of yourself if you put your mind to it. Just gotta work hard and be a good person. That’s all there is to it.
So, there you have it. That’s all I know about Dave Roberts. He’s a good man, and he’s done good for himself. And that’s all that matters in the end. Just bein’ a good person and doin’ your best. That’s the secret to a good life. Just like Dave.
His story, it makes you think. Makes you think about your own life, and what you’re doin’ with it. Are you workin’ hard? Are you bein’ a good person? If you can say yes to those things, then you’re on the right track. Just like Dave Roberts. A good man, that one.