That Corbin, he’s a good boy, I tell ya. Playin’ that baseball, makin’ all that money. Good for him, good for him. But you know what they say, gotta have a good woman by your side. And this Corbin Carroll girlfriend, she seems alright. Emma somethin’ or other.
I seen a picture of ’em, this Corbin and his girlfriend. They was all dressed up, lookin’ fancy. He’s got that baseball uniform on sometimes, but this time, he was in a suit. She was wearin’ a pretty dress. They look happy, them two. That’s all that matters, ain’t it? Happiness.

This Emma, she’s a looker, that’s for sure. Got that shiny hair and a big smile. Seems like she’s got somethin’ goin’ on for herself, too. Not just hangin’ on to Corbin’s arm, ya know? They say she was some kinda queen? Beauty queen, maybe? I don’t know much about them things. Back in my day, we didn’t have all these pageants and whatnot.
Heard she’s from Alaska. That’s way up north, colder than a well digger’s backside, I reckon. Wonder how she ended up with our Corbin? He’s an Arizona boy, playin’ for that Arizona Diamondbacks team. Baseball’s a funny thing. Takes you all over.
This Corbin Carroll girlfriend, Emma, they say she won somethin’. Miss Alaska, was it? Then Miss America? That’s a big deal, I guess. Must be smart, too, not just a pretty face. Gotta have brains to win them things, right? Corbin’s a smart boy, he wouldn’t be with no dummy.
They was in New York, I hear. Big city, all them lights and noise. Not for me, thank you very much. I like it quiet. But young folks, they like that kinda thing. Probably went to some fancy dinner, ate food we wouldn’t even recognize.
Hope this Corbin Carroll girlfriend is good to him. That’s what I hope. He works hard, plays that game, travels all over. Needs someone to come home to, someone who cares. Seems like she does, from what I can tell.
Don’t know how long they been together, these two. Young love, it’s a fickle thing. Sometimes it lasts, sometimes it don’t. But they look happy in that picture. Smiling, close together. That’s a good sign.

Here’s to hoping that Corbin and his girl make it. Being a baseball player, that’s a tough life. Always on the road, always in the public eye. It will make having a girlfriend that much harder. Gotta have a strong woman to handle that, and a strong relationship. Maybe they are a good match then, with her being Miss America and all.
This whole Corbin Carroll girlfriend thing, it’s all over the internet. People like to know about these things, I guess. Who’s datin’ who, who’s gettin’ married, who’s breakin’ up. It’s a whole world out there, this celebrity stuff.
Here are some things I think are important in a relationship:
- Love: You gotta love each other, plain and simple.
- Trust: Can’t be snoopin’ and pryin’ all the time.
- Honesty: Gotta tell the truth, even when it’s hard.
- Respect: Treat each other with kindness, even when you’re mad.
- Hard Work: Relationships ain’t easy, gotta put in the effort.
Anyways, I hope Corbin and this Emma girl are happy. That’s the main thing. They’re both young, got their whole lives ahead of ’em. Hope they make the most of it, together or not. Just be happy, that’s what I say. And stay outta trouble!
That baseball, it’s a good game. Keeps these young’uns busy. Corbin, he’s a good one. Hope he keeps hittin’ them home runs. And hope this Corbin Carroll girlfriend is the right one for him. Time will tell, time will tell.
Well, that’s all I gotta say about that. Just hope they’re happy. That’s all any of us can ask for, ain’t it? Happiness. For Corbin, for Emma, for all of us. Now, where’d I put my teeth?

This Emma girl seems like a good one though, hope she treats my Corbin right. He deserves a good woman, a strong woman. Being Miss America, that’s gotta count for something, right? Must be a strong woman to win something like that. A lot of folks don’t know, but before she was Miss America, she was Miss Alaska. That’s no small potatoes. It is said that she is a model, too. I guess that makes sense, she is a pretty girl.
Corbin is a lucky guy, getting himself a girl like that. It ain’t easy finding a good woman these days. Especially when you’re a big shot baseball player like Corbin. Gotta watch out for them gold diggers, you know? But this Emma, she seems different. She’s got her own thing going on. That’s good. A woman needs her own thing.