Okay, so I wanted to find all the special enemies in Wuthering Waves, you know, the ones that drop those unique materials. It’s not super clear in the game where to find all of them, so I figured I’d make my own little guide as I went along.
First, I opened up the game and started poking around. I figured the best place to start was just exploring areas I hadn’t fully cleared yet. I mostly stuck to the areas around Jinzhou, since that’s where I was in the story.

I started by pulling up the in-game map, the interactive one, and looking for any icons I didn’t recognize. Some of them were pretty obvious, like the big world bosses. But others, I had to like, really zoom in and squint to even see what they were.
- I found one near that big chasm area, just wandering around. It was like a souped-up version of one of the regular mobs.
- Another one, I stumbled across while doing a daily quest. It was guarding a chest, so that was a nice two-for-one deal.
- Then there was that one by the coast, I remember almost falling into the water trying to get to it. Totally worth it, though. Got some good loot.
It wasn’t fast. There were some places shown on external guides, but some guides wasn’t completely accurate, or didn’t show all the locations, I spent probably a good few hours just wandering around, fighting anything that looked even slightly different. My characters got some good exercise, at least.
My basic strategy was to just clear an area completely. I’d mark any special enemies I found on my map with a custom pin, and then I’d move on to the next area. After a while, I started to notice patterns, like certain types of enemies showing up in specific environments.
My Process
After all that, I put together my own map with all of the special enemy locations marked. I even added little notes about what type of enemy it was, and what kind of materials it dropped. It took forever, but now it’s like a complete game guide, and I won’t have to go searching all over the place next time I need those materials!