This game, what’s it called, Black Myth: Wukong, it’s a real head-scratcher, I tell ya. My grandson, he’s all excited about it, been waiting for it to come out. Says it’s gonna be the best thing since sliced bread. He’s always going on about these video games. But now, there’s some kinda problem. Something about “out of memory” or “shader compilation”. Sounds like a load of hogwash to me. But he’s mighty upset, so I’m trying to figure it out, for his sake.
Seems like lots of folks are having the same trouble. This Black Myth: Wukong, it’s supposed to be a fancy-looking game, all sorts of pretty pictures and whatnot. But to get those pretty pictures, your computer’s gotta do a lot of work. And if your computer ain’t strong enough, well, it just gives up. That’s what they’re saying, anyway. This “out of memory” thing. Like the computer’s brain is too full. It just get filled up.

They say it’s mostly those newfangled Intel things causing the trouble. The CPUs, they call them. I don’t know what a CPU is, but it sounds important. Like the heart of the computer, maybe? Anyway, if you got one of those new Intel CPUs, you might be in for some trouble with this Black Myth: Wukong game. It is just too much for these new CPUs and they can not handle it.
Now, my grandson, he’s got a pretty good computer, I reckon. Spent a whole lot of money on it. But even his is having trouble. Keeps saying it’s the “shader compilation.” I asked him what that meant, and he tried to explain, but it just went right over my head. Something about making the game look all shiny and realistic. Like those fancy movies they make these days. It is just so hard to understand, so I give up and nod my head.
So, I been looking around, trying to find some answers. And here is what people are saying to do:
- Update your drivers: Whatever that means. Something about making sure your computer has the latest instructions. My grandson says it’s like getting a new cookbook for your computer. So it knows how to make all the new dishes. You just need to update it, like every day, I think.
- Lower the graphics settings: This one makes a bit more sense. Basically, you tell the game to not be so fancy. Like telling it to wear plain clothes instead of a fancy dress. Might not look as pretty, but at least it’ll work. My grandson said that it makes the game look terrible, but it still works, so I think it is still good.
- Close other programs: If your computer’s trying to do too many things at once, it’s gonna get tired. So, you gotta tell it to just focus on the game. Like when I’m trying to bake a pie, I can’t be doing the laundry at the same time. It’s just too much work. I also have to focus on one thing. If I want to bake a pie, I need to finish it before doing other things.
- Get more RAM: Now this one’s a bit tricky. RAM is like the computer’s short-term memory, I guess. And if it doesn’t have enough, it can’t remember all the things it needs to. So, you gotta buy more. Like adding more shelves to your pantry, so you can store more stuff. But this costs money and I don’t know if people want to spend more money just for a game.
- Wait for an update: Sometimes, the people who make the game mess up. And they need to fix it. So, you just gotta wait for them to send out a patch, they call it. Like mending a hole in your favorite quilt. It will take time, so just be patient.
It is hard to tell what exactly is the problem. So you need to try all these things above. Hopefully, one of these things will fix the “out of memory” and “shader compilation” error. It’s all a big mystery to me, but I hope my grandson can get his game working. He’s been looking forward to this Black Myth: Wukong for a long time. It ain’t right for a game to cause so much trouble. They should make these things easier to understand, I tell ya.
Now, I ain’t no computer expert. Just a grandma trying to help her grandson. But I hope this helps someone out there. This whole “Black Myth: Wukong out of memory shader compilation” thing is a real pain in the neck. Just remember, you ain’t alone. Lots of folks are having the same problem. And hopefully, we’ll all figure it out together. Good luck to all of you trying to make it work. We need to figure this out and let all people play this game.