Okay, so, I saw this “putrescent knight cheese” thing and, like, I had to try it. I mean, the name alone! It sounded so…wrong, but in a good way, you know?
First, I googled what the heck it even was. Turns out, it’s not a real cheese, thank goodness. It’s some kind of challenge or meme or something involving, get this, really old, moldy cheese.

Now, I’m not about to go digging through dumpsters for rotten cheese. No way. But I did have a chunk of cheddar in the back of my fridge that I’d forgotten about. It was…past its prime, let’s just say. It had some nice blue veins going, and the smell was, uh, potent.
So, stage one: acquire questionable cheese. Check!
Next, I needed to, well, “putrefy” it further. I figured the best way to do that was to just leave it out. On the counter. In the sun. For, like, three days.
- Day 1: The cheese started to sweat. It looked kinda greasy.
- Day 2: The smell intensified. My roommate started complaining. A lot.
- Day 3: Oh boy. The cheese was practically glowing. And the smell? Let’s just say I had to open all the windows.
Honestly, by this point, I was seriously reconsidering the whole thing. But I’d come this far, right?
So, there it was my “putrescent knight cheese” I don’t know, just the grossest looking old cheese, sitting on the counter.
I’m calling this a success, even though I didn’t actually eat the cheese. The experience, the smell, the roommate drama…it was all worth it. I guess. Maybe. Okay, I’m never doing that again.