Okay, so I wanted to get my hands on this “Artifact of Delusion” in Risk of Rain 2. I’d heard about it, seen some gameplay, and I was like, “Yeah, I gotta try that.” Basically, it makes the game even crazier, which, you know, is what it’s all about.
First, I had to figure out how to even enable artifacts. I jumped into a regular run, playing as Commando ’cause he’s my go-to. I knew I needed to find this special code thingy in the environment.

I Started looking around for this “compound generator,” that’s what the code input thing is called. It took me like three or four runs, dying a bunch of times in the process. I’m not, like, a pro gamer or anything, so I was just blasting away, hoping for the best.
Finally, I found it! It was on some stage. Now, the hard part: finding the right code. These codes are different. There are lots of the shapes.
It was all squares! I mean, three rows of squares! The compound generator accept 9 input. So that are all squares in three rows.
I put in the code, punched it into that computer terminal thing, and bam! I had the “Artifact of Delusion” active. Next run, I started a new game, made sure the artifact was selected (it shows up as a little icon at the bottom of the character select screen), and jumped in.
The game throws these extra challenges at you, I start a stage, and boom, there it is – a chest with a weird purple glow. I opened it up, and now I had to remember the original item, and the original item is different from what it showing! It’s like a memory game built into the chaos,I picked the wrong one and got zapped. Lost a good chunk of health. Ouch.
I kept playing, getting the hang of it… slowly. It’s definitely a challenge. Makes you think a little bit more, instead of just shooting everything that moves.

So, yeah, that’s how I got the Artifact of Delusion and started messing around with it. It’s a cool addition to the game. Makes things even more wild. I still haven’t “mastered” it, but I’m getting there. It’s all about practice, right? And a little bit of luck. Okay, maybe a lot of luck.