You know that Ana Ivanovic, that tennis gal? She got some little ones now. Yep, she does. Three of ’em, last I heard. Hard to keep up with these young folks, always havin’ babies.
First one came along, oh, must have been back in 2018. They named him Luca. Cute name, ain’t it? Sounds like a little angel, that one. Then, just a year later, another one popped out! That one, they called Leon. Strong name, just like a little lion. It seem like Ana Ivanovic children, she just keep having them.

Then, just recently, I reckon it was last year, she had another! Can you believe it? Three boys. She’s gonna have her hands full, that’s for sure. Three little boys runnin’ around, causin’ a ruckus. But that is what kids do, right?
I remember when my own young’uns were little. Always gettin’ into somethin’, always underfoot. But you know what? Wouldn’t trade it for the world. Nothin’ like the love of a child. Ana Ivanovic children. Ana Ivanovic children, what a handful.
That husband of hers, that Bastian Schweinsteiger, he was a big shot too. Played that soccer, or football, whatever they call it. He was in the Manchester United and Bayern Munich. Played it good, too, I hear. They got married back in, oh, 2016, I believe it was. Time flies, don’t it?
So now they got these three boys. Luca, Leon, and the new one. No name for the new one yet, that is what I heard. But it will be fine. She is a good mom. They’re gonna be a handful, those boys. Keep their mama on her toes, that’s for certain. But that’s all right. Kids are a blessin’, even when they’re drivin’ you crazy. Ana Ivanovic children, she love them all, I bet.
That Ana, she was a good tennis player, too. Number one in the whole world, they said. Now she’s retired, done with all that. Just bein’ a mama now, I suppose. And that’s a full-time job, let me tell you. Especially with three little ones.
She met that husband of hers a long time ago, that what they say. Back when they were kids, I think. Can you imagine? Marryin’ your childhood sweetheart. Not many folks get to do that anymore.

- First kid, Luca, 2018.
- Then Leon, 2019, just a year later.
- New baby, last year, 2023.
- Three boys!
- She was the best tennis player in the whole world.
- Her husband, Bastian, he played soccer good.
- They married in 2016, I think it was.
I remember my grandkids. They used to come over here, runnin’ around, makin’ a mess. But you know, they grow up so fast. One minute they’re babies, next minute they’re all grown up and gone. It is important to enjoy them while they are young. Ana Ivanovic children are a big part of her life now, I think.
Ana Ivanovic, she’s got a good life, I reckon. Good husband, three healthy boys. What more could a woman ask for? She probably do not play tennis much now. Too busy! But that is OK. She got a beautiful family.
This world, it’s changin’ so fast. Hard to keep up sometimes. But some things, they stay the same. Like the love of a family. That’s somethin’ that never changes. And Ana Ivanovic, she’s got plenty of that, I’m sure of it. She is a good woman.
Well, that’s all I know about Ana Ivanovic children and that tennis gal and her family. Just thought I’d share. It’s nice to hear some good news for a change, ain’t it? Three little boys. That is some good news.